Status Update
Comments <> #2
We'll need some more details to troubleshoot this issue - please provide the following
Please put together a simplified reproduction case, and put it up as a project on your choice of git hosting providers (e.g. github, bitbucket, etc)? The easiest way to do this might be to fork the Google Maps Android API Samples Repository and modify one of the existing demo activities:
For developers viewing this issue: please click the 'star' icon to be
notified of future changes, and to let us know how many of you are
interested in seeing it resolved.
Please put together a simplified reproduction case, and put it up as a project on your choice of git hosting providers (e.g. github, bitbucket, etc)? The easiest way to do this might be to fork the Google Maps Android API Samples Repository and modify one of the existing demo activities:
For developers viewing this issue: please click the 'star' icon to be
notified of future changes, and to let us know how many of you are
interested in seeing it resolved.
********************************************************* <> #3
this you will need for troubleshooting this big issue,
the first screenshot contains place picker when mobile languages in Arabic in the toolbar image icon reversed and syntax Search"بحث" reversed and going to end of the toolbar.
the second screenshot contains place picker when mobile language in English its be done.
link for the project on GitHub:
Thank you for your support, please help me I am working on the big project and deadline after 3 days and no time for implement new map from scratch:"(.
this you will need for troubleshooting this big issue,
the first screenshot contains place picker when mobile languages in Arabic in the toolbar image icon reversed and syntax Search"بحث" reversed and going to end of the toolbar.
the second screenshot contains place picker when mobile language in English its be done.
link for the project on GitHub:
Thank you for your support, please help me I am working on the big project and deadline after 3 days and no time for implement new map from scratch:"(. <> #4
This is a long known bug, It has been there since forever (I started to have a problem with it since api 18)
It's really annoying, believe it or not but I once had two main big projects cancelled because of this exact layout behavior (Unfortunately, RTL proper support is a must for our domain of work)
It's really annoying, believe it or not but I once had two main big projects cancelled because of this exact layout behavior (Unfortunately, RTL proper support is a must for our domain of work) <> #5
i lost half my project's money because of this bug <> #6
Thanks for your report! We have passed it on to the product team for further consideration. Please star to add your vote and receive further updates, and feel free to add any comments to discuss the issue. <> #7
any news for this bug?
any news for this bug? <> <> #8
What's the meaning of New? <> <> <> <> <> #10
What is the status of issue this issue? Still toolbar back button not managed <> #11
Comment has been deleted. <> #12
Comment has been deleted. <> #13
Comment has been deleted.
please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also add the following details:
- All devices
- Google Play Services client library version: 10.0.0
- Google Play Services version on the device:all version
- Android SDK Version: all version
- Was this working correctly on a previous version of Google Play Services?
(If yes, which client library and SDK version?)