Status Update
ra...@google.com <ra...@google.com> #2
This can happen on OS X Sierra, due to the new App Translocation service. Quoting from https://developer.apple.com/library/content/technotes/tn2206/
"Starting with macOS Sierra, running a newly-downloaded app from a disk image, archive, or the Downloads directory will cause Gatekeeper to isolate that app at a unspecified read-only location in the filesystem. This will prevent the app from accessing code or content using relative paths."
It follows that updates won't work due of the read-only location. I was also seeing this message, and by moving Studio under Applications/ the updates started working again.
"Starting with macOS Sierra, running a newly-downloaded app from a disk image, archive, or the Downloads directory will cause Gatekeeper to isolate that app at a unspecified read-only location in the filesystem. This will prevent the app from accessing code or content using relative paths."
It follows that updates won't work due of the read-only location. I was also seeing this message, and by moving Studio under Applications/ the updates started working again.
ra...@google.com <ra...@google.com>
sp...@google.com <sp...@google.com> #3
Is the workaround described in comment #2 included in Studio release notes? Is it possible to modify the error dialog itself to include a link to troubleshooting steps?
sp...@google.com <sp...@google.com> #4
Please notice that the same problem is already solved in IntelliJ that is distributed as a .dmg file instead of a .zip. See the attached screenshot.
all required information.
Studio Build: 3.0 Beta 2 (171.4263559)
Version of Gradle Plugin:
Version of Gradle:
Version of Java:
OS: Mac OS X Sierra (10.12.6)
When updating from beta 2 to beta 6, I have had the following error:
'Studio does not have write access to /private/var/folders/tc/2mdcysmn13s0lgmdq21vfrj0004cj7/T/AppTranslocation/BDA78893-DF60-487B-B329-7B84FC632111/d/Android Studio 3.0 Preview.app/Contents. Please run it by a privileged user to update."
As far as I can remember, I did not need privileged access when installing beta 2.
FYI, when a try to create a file in '/private/var/folders/tc/2mdcysmn13s0lgmdq21vfrj0004cj7/T/AppTranslocation/BDA78893-DF60-487B-B329-7B84FC632111/d/Android Studio 3.0 Preview.app/Contents':
jplesot-macbookpro:Contents jplesot$ touch foo
touch: foo: Read-only file system