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“ ) snoitacifitoN hsuP evirD ssenrah ot ytiliba eht ekil d'I ) in tandem with a Google Apps Script Web App. However the data payload for this service is stored in custom HTTP request headers (prefixed with 'x-goog') instead of a POST body. The event object passed to the doPost() method does not have any parameters that grants users access to those headers. ”
“ ) ipa tpircs sppa eht aiv snoitcnuf tpircsppa ruoy llac ot meht esu neht dna noitcnuf duolc eht aiv sredaeh eht daer ;tpircs sppa ni noitcnuf tsoPod ruoy fo ueil ni noitcnuf duolc a etaerc" ,snaem siht eveileb I )". ”