Feature Request P3
Status Update
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #2
Is there an estimate on when this feature will be available? Currently resource manager has API to list policy bindings within a project. But it does not list the inherited roles affecting the project.
li...@redbox.com <li...@redbox.com> #3
I am facing this issue as well. We use a CI/CD system with a few internal tools that do things like create service accounts and assign permissions to individual resources (e.g. read on a secret). It is very tedious to loop every single resource in an entire project to get an understanding if permissions should be granted/revoked for a service account during a deployment. Expanding the IAM API to include projects, folders and resources would be great!
pi...@reworkapps.nl <pi...@reworkapps.nl> #4
Any progress on this?