Mentioned issues (1)
Expose max_connections as configurable PostgreSQL flag |
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“ :ecivres sergtsop deganam rieht no ti seod eruzA woh yltcaxe krow ot siht ekil dluow yllacisaB .ecnatsni BD ruo no recnuobgp no nrut ot hctiws a pilf tsuj dluoc ew fi ecin yllaer eb dluoW .stimil noitcennoc BD ro tuo xam ylisae nac hcihw yltnerrucnoc snoitcnuF duolC fo hcnub a pu nips nac ew ,daol fo tol a tuohtiw nevE .BD eht tih ot deen taht su rof snoitcnuF duolC reggirt taht stneve suoenatlumis fo tol a evah ew nehw si tih ew eussi tseggib ehT ”
“ ) naecO latigiD ekil ,deganam/delbane ylevitan eb nac taht erutaef a sa recnuoBGP edivorp sredivorp ecivres rehtO ) ”
“ tnedicni tsetal eht htiW having such a feature available as part of the managed service would allow customers to mitigate this incident rapidly. I expect many people are using Cloud SQL to avoid having a DBA, but how you scale connections on say MySQL and PostgreSQL are a bit different as I'm sure some people recently found out. ”