Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
These changes would be really nice! Being able to change the text colour is really important as it now doesn't match the rest of our app either.
Stack overflow posting -
Stack overflow posting - <> #3
Changing text color and the overflow icon color is important to us too! Awesome work on the feature though. <> #4
The ability of customize the status bar color is very important! <> <> #5
It is in the essence of a "custom" UI component to have a custom color. Please add this feature! <> #6
I have noted that the status bar automatically generated from the toolbar color is a bit darker than needed. The status bar color of the chrome activity is different to the one of the rest of my app. It doesn't strictly follow Material guidelines.
Emulator Version (Emulator--> Extended Controls--> Emulator Version): 27.1.7-4581633
HAXM / KVM Version: HVF 10.13.0
Android SDK Tools: 26.1.1
Host Operating System: Mac OS X 10.13.3
CPU Manufacturer: Intel CPU
Virtualization is supported
64-bit CPU
Steps to Reproduce Bug:
- Open 2 emulators
- In one of them, send a location, using Extended controls / Location
Expected Behavior:
The location should be sent only to the emulator that was used.
Observed Behavior:
The location is sent to both emulators.
Because of this, tests involving two people interacting at two different locations are almost impossible to do.