Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
this would be nice but given Compose and all other priorities, we are not planning to make any big investments in data binding (support KSP is a very big task). <> #3
Makes sense. And is there any way to trigger data binding without kapt plugin, assuming there are no custom binding adapters in given module? <> #4
unfortunately no. data binding still needs to be able to read your code and annotation processing is the only API that allows us to do it :( <> #5
It's a very disappointing decision for many projects who heavily depend on data binding, which will never be able to get rid of all bindings code and especially rewrite all UI to Compose.
It means that bindings are essentially deprecated <> #6
It does not mean data binding is deprecated unless KAPT is deprecated (if that happens, we would need to support KSP).Unfortunately, moving data binding to KSP is a large order so it makes more sense to keep focusing on KAPT than rewrite data binding.
We might re-consider this in the future based on KSP becoming stable, Compose adoption and KAPT stability but it is very unlikely to happen. <> #8
Unfortunately this is still a NO for 2022 planning due to reasons mentioned in #2. <> #9
kapt seems no longer adding new feature
kapt is in maintenance mode. We are keeping it up-to-date with recent Kotlin and Java releases but have no plans to implement new features. Please use the Kotlin Symbol Processing API (KSP) for annotation processing. See the list of libraries supported by KSP.
So this mean databinding will also deprecated or will be support KSP? <> #10
We don't plan to support KSP nor recommend data binding usage at this stage since compose is our recommended UI solution. <> #11
We don't plan to support KSP nor recommend data binding usage at this stage since compose is our recommended UI solution.
I have been waited this answer in several years.
Because it is an important basis to convince co-workers and for determining the technology stack of an app. <> #12
Databinding is in maintenance mode as well.
We don't plan to support KSP nor recommend data binding usage at this stage since compose is our recommended UI solution.
A bit of a tangent here, but what about ViewBinding? Will that one stay going strong or will it fade along with DataBinding? <> #13
So if you are using Views, ViewBinding will keep working.
It is the same for Data Binding as well though. The main difference is that if KAPT stops working, DataBinding will stop working whereas ViewBinding will keep working. Hopefully, any such situation will be far enough that no-one will care and everyone will be using Compose :) <> #16
#14 Kapt will be supported on K2, there are no plans to stop supporting it in Kotlin <> #17 <> #18 <> #19 <> #20
Like onLoadFinished is being called when returning to fragment when it was not the case before (before any call to reload or init made)
And much more important a change in how onLoaderReset is now called.
The documentation of restartLoader Says: "If a loader with the same id has previously been started it will automatically be destroyed when the new loader completes its work. The callback will be delivered before the old loader is destroyed."
But new implementation does not that at all. It calls onLoaderReset then onCreateLoader then onLoadFinished. (Previous implementation was sometimes broken and never called onLoaderReset but at least there was no long duration where we have no data to display).
This is a major change because this means you can't keep the previous data during the load as it's invalidated but you have nothing to display since the new loader is not finished. Meaning empty screen on reload = quite bad UX. <> #21
In order to avoid the "empty data" period of time after onLoaderReset, my extremely hacky workaround is to create a second identical loader, with a separate Loader ID, and flip between the two Loaders with each call to restartLoader, so that the previous Cursor remains alive until the next onLoadFinished callback. <> #22 <> #23
I think <> #24 <> #25 <> #26 <> #27
solv this problam
Since support library 27.1.0 when using a FragmentStatePagerAdapter in a viewPager the offscreen fragment lifecycle have changed.
Before onStart / onResume where called on those fragment and it's no more the case. The offscreen fragments have the lifecycle stopping at onActivityCreated.
After a screen rotation those lifecycle are called correctly. So it's more a bug on first creation of the fragments than a wanted API change it seems.
If it's a normal wanted API change please confirm.