Status Update
Comments <> #2
The problem is very serious.
Currently html5 clearRect isn't working within any android 4 devices.
Please, solve this problem as soon as possible.
Currently html5 clearRect isn't working within any android 4 devices.
Please, solve this problem as soon as possible. <> <> #3
we have the same problem
We are waiting for a patch since November because none of the workaround we have tried is stable.
We hope that the patch will come before the launching of our app and if not...well, sadly, we will launch the app on iOS and windows only
We are waiting for a patch since November because none of the workaround we have tried is stable.
We hope that the patch will come before the launching of our app and if not...well, sadly, we will launch the app on iOS and windows only <> #4
[Comment deleted] <> #5
Still appears to be an issue as I'm getting quirky results when trying clearRect in a loop. #3 solution is good but too heavy to work in a loop. <> #6
What about using requestAnimationFrame for loop rather than using a timer loop ? <> #7
Hey, this is a serious issue that is affecting our production components, could someone please look into this??? <> #8
is there any solvtion for that issue ? <> #9
Something like that works for me:
function bug_workaround() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
I call this function after clear.
function bug_workaround() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
I call this function after clear. <> #10
Opacity trick is better because will not initiate page reflow and hide /
show will.
show will. <> #11
which trick would that be? modify the opacity? <> #12
function bug_workaround() { = 0.99;
setTimeout(function() { = 1;
}, 1);
function bug_workaround() { = 0.99;
setTimeout(function() { = 1;
}, 1);
} <> #13
[Comment deleted]
Callback order is changed when calling restartLoader.
The documentation of restartLoader Says: "If a loader with the same id has previously been started it will automatically be destroyed when the new loader completes its work. The callback will be delivered before the old loader is destroyed."
But new implementation does not that at all. It calls onLoaderReset then onCreateLoader then onLoadFinished. (Previous implementation was sometimes broken and never called onLoaderReset but at least there was no long duration where we have no data to display).
This is a major change because this means you can't keep the previous data during the load as it's invalidated but you have nothing to display since the new loader is not finished. Meaning empty screen on reload = quite bad UX.