Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for taking the time to submit this feature. Unfortunately, I am not able to provide an E.T.A on the fix from the product team. Future update(s) will be posted here. <> #3
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #4
we would need this feature as well. MySQL internally supports named zones which reflect daylight saving time, so allowing to set default_time_zone to something else then offset could be IMHO sufficient.
Karel <> #5
Same goes for us, database timezone by name would make life much easier.
ATM manually editting timezone twice a year is not an option and blocking us from using CloudSQL for production.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #6
I believe this one will be properly prioriterized.
We are also blocked with this issue..
Andrii <> #7
It looks very disappointing that Goggle doesn't support such basic feature for Google SQL. Problem with timezone is show-stopper for our company. We planned to move our core service into Google SQL and have found that we can't do that at the moment because of issue with timezone. For me it looks very amateur that Google engineers doesn't put much attention on such important feature. <> #8
Completely agree with the previous commenter.
Even AWS supports this feature:
Could you suggest any workaround for setting proper time_zone with managed DST? <> #9 <> #10 <> <> #11
Would it make sense to assume this feature will be added before the next DST change on March 31st 2019?
Thanks. <> #12
We would like to hear some updates on this issue.
Two more months passed with no feedback at all.
Thanks. <> #13 <> #14
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #15 <> #16 <> #17
We also require this:
> We are using Central Time for our 2nd generation Cloud SQL (MySQL) instance. For every daylight savings we need to change the default_time_zone from "-06:00" to "-05:00" or vice versa. It would be great if the default_time_zone or named time zone can support the daylight savings. Thank you!
Techsys MX
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #18 <> #19 <> #20
Based on what I've seen in the documentation and how the product has evolved, it seems that at least Gen1/Gen2 of the Cloud SQL system is a managed deployment, not a custom engine with MySQL/PostgreSQL front ends like Aurora.
If that is true,
Please provide some sort of update on this issue. Is there *any* commitment from the CloudSQL team on this issue? <> #21
In reviewing default_time_zone
flag, it isn't a very desirable work around. <> #22 <> #23 <> #24
Any updates on this issue?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #25
Thank you!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #26
Not sure if this is a viable workaround, but I'm currently testing this in our instances that need support for daylight savings time:
# gcloud sql instances patch <instance name> --database-flags init_connect="SET time_zone = 'America/Chicago'"
Essentially, since we can't set time_zone
globally, I'm having it set for the session each time a client connects. This gave me the expected behavior in our services using CloudSQL. <> #27
This issue is actually nr 8 in most wanted CloudSQL feature requests. But after 3 years of waiting for any feedback, one might assume things will not change from the Google CloudSQL team perspective... no comments, no workarounds, no fixes, no features... just no input at all makes it very hard to understand their stand in this, which is presumably what they see as most fit "for now".
One might question that MySQL daylight saving computation capabilities are ideal. However, not providing this feature still blocks migrating legacy production setups to CloudSQL, in many cases.
Documentation explicitly states that named timezones are not supported and highlights the administrative reasoning behind it, which makes it less likely that this feature will be implemented.
Setting the time zone for MySQL instances @ It is possible to set the MySQL time zone to a named area, such as "Europe/Moscow", using a session variable. However, doing so is not supported in Cloud SQL, and is not guaranteed to provide up-to-date time settings. To change the default time zone for your instance, update the default_time_zone flag with the offset from UTC (for example, +10:00). Automatic adjustment to daylight savings time is not supported; you must update the default_time_zone flag manually to account for daylight savings time._
The workaround renttherunway and the docs mention allows to set a named timezone on each connection, sort of fixing this issue.
gcloud sql instances patch <instance name> --database-flags init_connect="SET time_zone = 'America/Chicago';"
However, how can one trust the timezone and especially the DST transitions are correctly populated in the timezone tables?
Docs: doing so is not supported in Cloud SQL, and is not guaranteed to provide up-to-date time settings.
In our case, found out the hard way a difference between Linux and Windows OS based timezone information, which MySQL uses to compute DST transitions. So correcty populated mysql.time_zone_xxx tables, with cluster-wide equal records and transitions etc, are crucial. Luckily we can populate the mysql.time_zone_xxx tables ourselves in CloudSQL.
BUT, what happens when a CloudSQL instance backup is restored? Or in case of maintenance? Are the mysql.time_zone tables records preserved? Will CloudSQL team at any point touch them, or leave them alone?
Storing SQL statements in vcs to populate time_zone table gives us ability to easily (re)populate the correct version of all transitions etc, but still not ideal. Would be nice to know how CloudSQL handles this, in case of backups/maintenance?
@CloudSQL Team: are we allowed and trusted to provide up-to-date time setting this way? Are customer created settings preserved and respected?
Anybody? :)
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #28 <> #29
Google Cloud Support response:
I understand that you want to know if the timezone information populated in the “mysql.time_zone_xxx” tables will be preserved after restoring an instance from backup or after maintenance. Please correct me if I have misunderstood.
To confirm if restoring a Cloud SQL for MySQL instance from backup persists the timezone information, I tried reproducing your use case by following the below steps, and I can confirm that timezone information is preserved.
- Created a Cloud SQL for MySQL instance.
- Populated the “mysql.time_zone_name” table with timezone information, and took a backup.
- Restored the backup created in the above step to the same instance.
- Queried the “mysql.time_zone_name” and I can see that the timezone information persisted even after restoring the instance from backup.
Similarly for maintenance, we only update the operating system and the database engine, however the data in the tables remains unchanged. <> #30
Hi Cloud SQL for MySQL users,
We are working towards making named timezone support available for MySQL users, allowing users to set their database's timezone settings through the global time_zone flag to a named timezone that includes the adjustments for daylight savings time. As mentioned in previous comments, the named timezone information is available at the connection step today; however, the time zones tables on the instance are not yet updated regularly and they may be out of date. We will address these issues when we make support generally available.
In the interim, please keep upvoting this item so we can continue to prioritize it.
Cloud SQL Product Manager <> #31
Hey Cloud SQL team,
I meet a customer last week that was complaining exactly about this gap. Do you happen to any timeline for this feature?
Federico <> #32
Sounds good!
How are you planning to deal with situations when customers have populated the timezone information tables themselves meanwhile?
Could it be an instance configuration parameter like "have Google manage timezone tables" yes/no?
That would be perfect.
We are using Central Time for our 2nd generation Cloud SQL (MySQL) instance. For every day light savings we need to change the default_time_zone from "-06:00" to "-05:00" or vice versa. It would be great if the default_time_zone or named time zone can support the day light savings. Thank you!
Thanks & Regards