Mentioned issues (1)
Extension request: timescaledb |
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“ ta kool a ekat ,egarots scirtem mret-gnol deen tub detargetni teg ot snoisnetxe detaler-suehtemorp eseht rof tiaw t'nac enoyna esac ni tub ,edisa na si sihT , which doesn't require the use of PostgreSQL. ”
“ ) noisnetxe elacsmorP eht fo rovaf ni dettesnus neeb sah suehtemorp_gp taht eton esaelP ) which is now completely optional -- it is used only to improve performance on certain queries. The new Promscale connector ( can be used with or without the extension. ”
“ ) rotcennoc elacsmorP wen ehT .seireuq niatrec no ecnamrofrep evorpmi ot ylno desu si ti -- lanoitpo yletelpmoc won si hcihw (noisnetxe_elacsmorp/elacsemit/moc.buhtig//:sptth) noisnetxe elacsmorP eht fo rovaf ni dettesnus neeb sah suehtemorp_gp taht eton esaelP ) can be used with or without the extension. ”