Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
Android build
Which Android build are you using?
Device used
Which device did you use to reproduce this issue?
Steps to reproduce
What steps are needed to reproduce this issue?
Expected output
What is the expected output?
Current output
What is the current output?
Android bug report
After reproducing the issue, press the volume up, volume down, and power button simultaneously. This will capture a bug report on your device in the “bug reports” directory. Attach the bug report file to this issue.
Alternate method:
After reproducing the issue, navigate to developer settings, ensure ‘USB debugging’ is enabled, then enable ‘Bug report shortcut’. To take bug report, hold the power button and select the ‘Take bug report’ option.
Note: Please upload the files to google drive and share the folder to, then share the link here.
Android build
Which Android build are you using?
Device used
Which device did you use to reproduce this issue?
Steps to reproduce
What steps are needed to reproduce this issue?
Expected output
What is the expected output?
Current output
What is the current output?
Android bug report
After reproducing the issue, press the volume up, volume down, and power button simultaneously. This will capture a bug report on your device in the “bug reports” directory. Attach the bug report file to this issue.
Alternate method:
After reproducing the issue, navigate to developer settings, ensure ‘USB debugging’ is enabled, then enable ‘Bug report shortcut’. To take bug report, hold the power button and select the ‘Take bug report’ option.
Note: Please upload the files to google drive and share the folder to, then share the link here. <> #3
I'll take this one, no additional information is required I know exactly what this bug is about. Thank you! <> #4
Please provide the information requested in comment #2 to investigate this issue further. <> #5
This is feature is added in Orchestrator 1.0.2-beta1 <> #6
Hi, Nick
We are using orchestrator of 1.0.2, still not working.
Would you help to investigate?
We are using orchestrator of 1.0.2, still not working.
Would you help to investigate? <> #7
Looks like this option is not enabled by default. It can be enabled according to the instructions found in the docs.
Refer to this thread for some history: