Can't Repro
Status Update
Comments <> #2
Not reproduced, can you share idea.log file if this issue reproduces again. <> #3
yeah sure. I have added new activity named "LoggingTest" and gradle build runs again and i have expanded my java folder in project view before creating my activity. After creating my activity java folder is collapsed by default. Here is the idea.log file for all this actions. <> #4
Reproduced only on windows platform <> #5
I didn't have tested it on multiple platforms. I am using windows and i have only tested it on this. So, solve it out as soon as possible. Thanks!
Build: 3.2 Canary 14, AI-181.4668.68.32.4763614, 201805041920,
AI-181.4668.68.32.4763614, JRE 1.8.0_152-release-1136-b03x64 JetBrains s.r.o, OS Windows 10(amd64) v10.0 , screens 1366x768
Android Gradle Plugin: 3.2.0-alpha14
Gradle: 4.6
NDK: from 17.0.4754217; latest from SDK: 17.0.4754217;
LLDB: LLDB 3.1 (revision: 3.1.4508709)
CMake: from (not specified); latest from SDK: 3.6.0-rc2; from PATH: (not found);
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