Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
What do you mean by "share"? You mean take a screenshot of it?
You can already have a reference to the MapView simply by instantiating it on your own. Please do not forget to forward events (onCreate, onPause, etc.) to it.
You can already have a reference to the MapView simply by instantiating it on your own. Please do not forget to forward events (onCreate, onPause, etc.) to it. <> #3
For taking a screenshot you normally use a Bitmap to be drawn on by the view. This does not work with the API v2 as it uses OpenGL. Thus the outcome Bitmap is a just black. <> #4
It's possible via android build-in command like what eclipse DDMS "screen capture" did. The problem is the authority to execute the command.
Hope the next release can enhance this to take screen capture on google map v2.
Hope the next release can enhance this to take screen capture on google map v2.
Thanks... <> #5
Yes, this was exactly what I was trying to do a few minutes ago. Didn't work.
Please guys, add such a functionality!
Please guys, add such a functionality! <> #6
I am developing an application in which this is a necessary and pivotal function; if this action is not possible then the majority of the app would be useless. Currently, the app uses Google Maps API v2, and I would really hate to have to downgrade back to Google Maps API v1 for this one function. <> <> <> #7
i am developing an application in which this is a necessary . <> <> #8
Re #2: I don't know what the MapsV2 lib does internally, but it has no GLSurfaceView in the client's app. I suspect they render it in another app and bit-copy over the results into a private, from plain SurfaceView derived view that you can access in your app. I'd really like to see this to get supported. <> #9
#9 - we essentially use a GLSurfaceView. It's a slightly modified version, though, so gets obfuscated by proguard. <> #10
Doubles are not a supported format for Android XML values. You can use argType="float" <> #11
We added GoogleMap.snapshot:
Note that the bitmap returned by snapshot cannot be sent off the device - use it for things like thumbnails or in notifications. See the docs for more complete information on how you can use snapshots.
Note that the bitmap returned by snapshot cannot be sent off the device - use it for things like thumbnails or in notifications. See the docs for more complete information on how you can use snapshots. <> #12
Thank you very much! <> #13
Many thanks!
Version used: 1.0.0-alpha01
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: N/A
When specifying arguments for and a navigation action, there are only 4 options: "inferred, string, integer, reference"
Some arguments in my app use Boolean and Long and SafeArgs seem to only support "string" or "integer" (even if I manually put app:type="long"... it does not know what "long" is and falls back to "string")
Please add support for more types... especially Long and Boolean (you can "put" a lot more types into a Bundle)
I know I can manually add args to a bundle and then navigate... but I really want to use Directions from SafeArgs