Status Update
Comments <> #2
Right now you can get the last "major" revision through drive.revisions.list, then, using that as your upper bound, iterate through the revision ids with drive.revisions.get. However, the "intermediate" level of revisions shown in the UI (under drop-down arrow) is not available. <> #3 <> #4
Hi everyone!
After researching this idea it's not clear for me how this would benefit you. Could you please clarificate it for me? <> #5
Thanks for asking.
Programatically identifying exactly which revision we want to perform actions on is hard. Users have the ability to name a version, and in the Drive GUI that name is displayed as a part of the revision history but this name isn't included in the API response (and revisions can't be filtered or searched by this name either).
We would like it if the name of each version could be included in the list
response. If it was also possible to filter or query by that version name that would be helpful too but not absolutely necessary.
We originally found and stared this ticket off the back of the above requirement, which, while investigating we had noticed that the API only produced a subset of the revisions shown in the GUI and wondered if our named revision was one of these that was not included by the API. By having a flag to allow us to return all the revisions that are avalible in the GUI we would have been able to verify this.
Once we are able to identify the correctly named revisions then we have a further requirement of being able to switch to that version via API, here are the ways we tried to achieve this:
- No way to simply "restore this version" via the
API. - Using the
API to get rid of more recent versions (in order to leave an older version as the most recent version) is only possible for binary files. - not sure on this one ... Couldn't find a way to download a specific version of a native Google Drive file, the download only seems to work for binary files. <> #6
Hi everyone!
After assessing your requests I wrote a report about the new features and sent it to the engineering team. Thank you all for the help.
Answer to GET
For a Google Sheet, the public documented drive.revisions.list API response currently contains only those revisions that are shown when a user has not selected "Show more detailed revisions" (both v2 and v3). I propose a zoom_level parameter, to request more fine-grained revision details, similar to the internal/private/undocumented API that is described by this Stack Overflow user.
What is the purpose of this new feature?
This is an enhancement to an existing API feature (drive.revisions.list) that we currently use to determine to what degree a user has modified a Google Sheet that we have shared with them, as a means of measuring engagement and troubleshooting.
What existing APIs would this affect?
What existing data does this use?
The finer-grained Google Sheets revisions data already exists somewhere within the system, as demonstrated by the "Show more detailed revisions?" functionality within the Google Sheets application itself.
Provide any additional information which might be useful here.
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