Status Update
Comments <> #2
This possible for Forms but no with Google Apps Script API. Will wait.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #3
I would love this as well! <> #4
Waiting for this too !!! <> #5
Dear Google Team! Ability to set CORRECT ANSWER programmatically (i.e. not manually) in the textItem is absolutely essential! Also, I am advocating for allowing programmatic assignment of the Correct and Incorrect feedback, using Google Script. Implementation of these functions would be very useful and, I am sure, would be appreciated by many users. Thank you! Prof P.M.Trivailo <> #6
Hi! The ability to set the correct answer on a text item would also be hugely beneficial to me! Cheers, Ole Lynge Sørensen <> #7
+1 It should definitely be included as a feature! Setting correct answers manually is not suitable. Please add this as soon as possible! Thank you as always for listening to us <3 <> #8
+1 <> #9
+1: very necessary.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #10
+1 also it would be very useful to dynamically generate whole item from json config with answers and points, i.e. for school test <> #11
+1 <> #12
This would be really useful
Why not add an SSL certificate check to the uptime monitoring ( I would make the alerting variable, LetsEncrypt needs something like 7 days, while your production certificate should give alters at 30 days as an example ).
Also it should be optional.