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Component Admins are granted all the permissions to manage the component and all issues in this component. They can't view restricted content. Typical Component Admins are team leads.
Issue Admins are granted all permissions to manage issues, but can't edit component settings. They can't view restricted content. Typical Issue Admins are team members.
Issue Editors are granted all issue-related permissions except for admin permissions such as delete an issue or comment, or change restrictions. They can't view restricted content. Typical Issue Editors are collaborating team members.
Issue Contributors can read, comment, and create issues, but they can't edit issues. They can't view restricted content. Typical Issue Contributors are external partners or public users.
Users with the Component Admin Only role can edit the component settings and create issues, but otherwise have no issue-related permissions.
Users with the issue Issue Creators Only role can create issues, but have no other permissions. For example, they are not able to view issues they have created.
Users with the Issue Admin Only role have all issue permissions but cannot create new issues.
Issue Editors (existing issues only) have the issue editor's permission on existing issues, but they can't create new issues in this component.
Users with the Issue Commenter Only role may view and comment on issues on this component
Only Restricted+ Content Viewers can view Restricted+ content on an issue.
Only Restricted Content Viewers can view restricted content on an issue.
Issue Viewers can only view issues in this component, but can't comment or edit issues.
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