Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for submitting this feature. I already forwarded this case to our product team. Future updates will be posted here.
No update yet.
We'd really love to not have to choose! That is, we'd love to be able to use `--migrate` when moving from one multi-version split to another. This would help us minimize the impact on our site from moving traffic to a new version.
To be explicit, we would like to be able to run (assuming we start with all traffic on v1):
gcloud app deploy --version v2
gcloud app services set-traffic --migrate v1=95,v2=5
gcloud app services set-traffic --migrate v1=90,v2=10 # a minute later
gcloud app services set-traffic --migrate v1=85,v2=15 # another minute later
and so on. Right now, this fails with error messages like "ERROR: ( The migrate flag can only be used with splits to a single version." (The equivalent option in the Cloud Console UI is also disabled.)