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“ :sliated erom rof ediug retemarap LRU esab eht eeS .otohp lanigiro eht daolnwod ot retemarap LRU esab "d" eht esu won nac uoY ”
“ :liated rehtruf rof seton esaeler ruo eeS ”
“ ot og dna resworb bew eht esu I fI .sotohP ot dedaolpu elif eht fo noisrev detatum a si daolnwod elif eht dna ,niaga siht detset ev'I , when I "Download" a photo it is byte-for-byte identical to the file I uploaded. If I use the API and attempt to get a copy, with the included "d" base URL, the file is mutated. Both some metadata is missing, as well the photo itself is modified (doing a pixel-for-pixel comparison shows subtle differences). ”