Status Update
Comments <> #2
Can you explain your use case? <> #3
I can explain my one. I have a navhost fragment, where I load a graph with just one instance of a screen of acceptance of terms of use. After the approval of the user I load the real nav graph into the same navhost. According to the documentation The current data of the graph should be reset, so the new Navigation items can be reached. But unfortunately the new items from the graph cannot be reached. <> #4
Re #3 - that's not how you should be doing conditional navigation (see the documentation: ), but we should take a closer look at this anyways. <> #5
Any updates on this issue?
Thanks <> <> #6
Navigation now pops all destinations off the back stack (if any exists) when you call setGraph().
This has been fixed internally in and will be available in Navigation 1.0.0-alpha10
This has been fixed internally in <> #7
@6 Can't confirm. Seems it still exists. Here:
Library version: 1.0.0-alpha03
When setting a new NavGraph to NavController, the back stack is not resetted.
From the documentation, "Any current navigation graph data will be replaced."
If a NavGraph is already setted then the back stack containts the default destination. In calling NavGraph.setGraph(NavGraph) and in the new graph, the destination is different, then the new destination is not displayed because back stack is not resetted.
Is it expected feature or not?