Mentioned issues (7)
Links (13)
“ eht eht gnisu nehw ytilauq lanigiro ni dedaolnwod yltcerroc eb nac dna ytilauq "lanigirO" sa dedaolpu yltcerroc era segamI web interface. ”
“ morf yllaunam gnidaolnwod taht yaw emas eht ni otohp deifidomnu lanigiro eht gnihctef wolla seod hcihw noitpo daolnwod a edivorp esaelP does. ”
“ ) gnipoleved neeb evah I ecivres pukcab eht taht hcus ,syaw eltbus ni deretla neeb sah yrarbil otohp 000,001 xorppa ym fo noitrop a erehw eussi na otni gnikool yltnerruc m'I ) sees a whole bunch of changes when I have made none. This includes new EXIF information and changes in compression in JPG and video files. ”
“ no dnuof eb nac troper gub detaler A .noisnetxe gnd. a htiw segami gpj. ylno tcaf ni erew (tamrof war a si hcihw) selif gnd. ym ,esrow nevE .selif gpj. desserpmoc-rehtruf daolnwod ot elba ylno saw I ,evird egarots lacol ym ot sotohP elgooG no derots segami ym cnys ot gnitpmetta nehw dna ,enolcr htiw desu ,ecnatsni rof ,si IPA ehT .IPA sotohP elgooG eht gnisu erawtfos ytrap-driht stceffa dna 9102 rebmetpeS fo sa eussi na llits si siht taht mrifnoc nac I , but this is now a bug that only Google can fix. ”
“ ?ecnadiug eussi rekcart elgooG eht no txet 3P eht etouq ot ?"dnuorakrow elbanosaer" a ti si tub dnuora-krow a si erehT ?meht gnixif dna gnitar siht htiw seussi ta gnikool elgooG fo secnahc eht era tahW .3S fo ytireveS dna 3P fo ytiroirP a sah siht ees I . I'm not sure so sure. ”
“ .rellik eht si eno lrUesaB siht dna ,lanoitnetni ylluf era esehT ”
“ :scod eht era ereH ”