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“ :ereh murof resU .tsuguA ylrae ecnis enilffo gniog neeb evah smetsys esehT ”
“ nihtiw snoitcurtsni htiw dna 2.1.7 ot dedargnwod ev'I .liaf ti evah ot ylno semit elpitlum 8.reV dedaoledis evah I , negated the upgrade to Ver 8 and yet it still 2 days later goes into a boot loop. ”
“ :egamI yrotcaF - ”
“ :ATO lluF - ”
“ llew sa susA ot liame na tnes tsuj I . Next step is social media campaigning if we don't get adequate responses. I am holding out for the Oct 9 product release from Google, hoping the new Chromecast has full Android TV capability and Google Assistant integration- wait, I already purchased that product, and Google bricked it! ”