Status Update
Comments <> #2
i'm also facing same issue it work for the first time you call builder.setPopUpTo(, false) but for second call i didn't and also when i use builder.setPopUpTo(, true) i expect to destroy the whole graph but i didn't . <> <> #3
what's the status of that issue ?
Version used: 1.0.0-alpha07
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: API 28
I added a global nav action and set the pop behaviours "pop to" arg to the graph id and inclusive to false.
I now expected that when I now use this nav action that it clears the whole back stack before navigating.
But this only works for the first time, when I use the nav action more than once, the back stack is not cleared before navigating.
I included a sample project where you can see this behavior.
You can select another tab once, and when you press back the app closes (as expected).
But when you select another tab more than once it firstly navigates back to the previous fragments.