Status Update
Comments <> #2
Verified library version is `1.0.0-beta02` <> <> #5
I investigated the sample:
See attached video:
1) no scrolling issues as long as angle is kept very close to x or y axis (0 -- 13s)
2) when scroll angle changes during a scroll, that is respected; if you remove NestedScrollView from the layout hierarchy (in fragment_main.xml) and have RecyclerView there directly, scroll orientation locking happens and makes for a better user experience
3) threshold / angle exploration (29s -- end) -- clearly the threshold angle is too narrow (touch slop not respected); it's worse with AppBarLayout collapsed than when it's expanded -- it confirms the issue; we'll investigate further
See attached video:
1) no scrolling issues as long as angle is kept very close to x or y axis (0 -- 13s)
2) when scroll angle changes during a scroll, that is respected; if you remove NestedScrollView from the layout hierarchy (in fragment_main.xml) and have RecyclerView there directly, scroll orientation locking happens and makes for a better user experience
3) threshold / angle exploration (29s -- end) -- clearly the threshold angle is too narrow (touch slop not respected); it's worse with AppBarLayout collapsed than when it's expanded -- it confirms the issue; we'll investigate further
Version used: 1.0.0-alpha08
Devices/Android versions reproduced on:
- Main Activity has a NavHostFragment, which navigates between Fragment A & Fragment B
- Main activity handles going back with onSupportNavigateUp
- Fragment B has it's own NavHostFragment, which navigated between InnerFragmentB1 & InnerFragmentB2
- Parent NavHostFragment navigates from A -> B (which starts with B1)
- Sub NavHostFragment navigates from B1 -> B2
- Press up: Sub NavHostFragment returns to B1
- Press up: Parent NavHostFragment returns from B to A
What's the proper way of handling these types of situations where we'd like the back button to handle backing out of Inner Fragments first and then Outer Fragments after?
Details here:
Sample Code: