Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for your feedback. Team may reach out for more feedback in reproducing or triaging this issue. <> #3
android {
applicationVariants.configureEach {
// this = ApplicationVariant
// whatever you do here
resolves this issue and seems to be the intended way how to configure applicationVariants (if required)
applicationVariants.configureEach {
// this = ApplicationVariant
// whatever you do here
resolves this issue and seems to be the intended way how to configure applicationVariants (if required)
all required information.
Studio Build: 3.2.1
Version of Gradle Plugin: 3.2.1
Version of Gradle: 4.6
Version of Java: 8
OS: Mac Mojava 10.14.2 also fails on Circle CI
Steps to Reproduce are in the following repo:
When migrating to build.gradle.kts scripts I found a line of code which prevents the lint task from running. This was tested both in AS and in Terminal and failed the same in both cases.
applicationVariants.all(object : Action<ApplicationVariant> {
override fun execute(variant: ApplicationVariant) {
Having this code in your script will produce the following failure.
Message: Couldn't get delegate for class
Stack: KotlinExceptionWithAttachments:LightClassDataHolderKt.findDelegate(LightClassDataHolder.kt:100)←LightClassDataHolder$ForClass$findDataForClassOrObject$1.invoke(LightClassDataHolder.kt:40)←LightClassDataHolder$ForClass$findDataForClassOrObject$1.invoke(LightClassDataHolder.kt:34)←LightClassDataHolderImpl.findData(LightClassDataHolder.kt:83)ghtClassDataHolderImpl.findData(LightClassDataHolder.kt:79)←LightClassDataHolder$ForClass$DefaultImpls.findDataForClassOrObject(LightClassDataHolder.kt:40)←LightClassDataHolderImpl.findDataForClassOrObject(LightClassDataHolder.kt:79)←KtLightClassForSourceDeclaration.findLightClassData(KtLightClassForSourceDeclaration.kt:95)