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“ ) yranaCkaeL ot sknaht eussi siht derevocsid ev'eW ), but I've been able to successfully reproduce it in Android Studio. ”
“ (1 :owt era ereh ,spmud paeh rieht dedaolpu evah sresu yranaCkaeL .(yhw erus ton) diordnA yb detareneg semitemos era esohT .(woleb taht no erom) tcejbo daerhT a sessim taht pmud paeh a teG * 2) ”
“ (2 gnirahs=psu?weiv/Bmu8PBeoY-ga41hmsCisNuatlBsC1R3c1/d/elif/moc.elgoog.evird//:sptth (1 :owt era ereh ,spmud paeh rieht dedaolpu evah sresu yranaCkaeL .(yhw erus ton) diordnA yb detareneg semitemos era esohT .(woleb taht no erom) tcejbo daerhT a sessim taht pmud paeh a teG * ”
“ .derongi yltnelis dna deggol ,()esrap.resraPforpH ni thguac s'ti ,pu selbbub noitpecxe ehT * . From the outside, everything looks fine, except there's 0 data in the heap dump. ”
“ :kcehc llun a naht erom gnihton si eussi eht gnidiova ees nac uoy sa ,noisrev dehctap nwo ym gnippihs pu dedne I (of course I'd love to know why that native thread doesn't exist). ”