Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thanks for reporting!
After reading the github link, I have to say that this is working as intended.
The reason being that if the request with component filtering has partial matches in the results, it will contain a "partial_match" field that is set to true.
If it doesn't, then it would be an exact match.
Exact match (without "partial_match") :
Partial Match (with "partial_match") :|country:GB&key=YOUR_KEY
After reading the github link, I have to say that this is working as intended.
The reason being that if the request with component filtering has partial matches in the results, it will contain a "partial_match" field that is set to true.
If it doesn't, then it would be an exact match.
Exact match (without "partial_match") :
Partial Match (with "partial_match") : <> #3
Sorry, but your own FAQ literally says "where country=GB AND country=AU, and returns ZERO_RESULTS". It returns 2 results.
I understand that maybe this changed at some point in time, but is not relected in the FAQ.
And why does this return Germany?|country:XY
But this does not return Germany in the results?
It is really hard to follow from a developers perspetive why off-matches are acceptable as soon as I have 2 components but not when I have one component. Espacially if the partial match is not even a part of the component and if the query is dynamically generated, sometimes with one and sometimes with two components.
I understand that maybe this changed at some point in time, but is not relected in the FAQ.
And why does this return Germany?
But this does not return Germany in the results?
It is really hard to follow from a developers perspetive why off-matches are acceptable as soon as I have 2 components but not when I have one component. Espacially if the partial match is not even a part of the component and if the query is dynamically generated, sometimes with one and sometimes with two components.