Mentioned issues (33)
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“ yb ti dexif nahpetS dna nigulp eldarG diordnA ni htaPeliFegarevoc gnidirrevo eussi na saw erehT . That fix was cherry-picked into Android Gradle plugin 4.0. Could you try setting the coverageFilePath somewhere outside of your test application package as like the comment#10? ”
“ ot ti dda dna elpmaxe na etaerc ll'I .tcejorp elpmaxe na gnissim tub ydaerla dexif neeb sah eussi siht ,oN . ”
“ :tcejorp elpmaxe ssergorp ni krow ym s'ereH ”
“ ta ti detsoh ev'I .snoisrev PGA / KDS erutuf hguorht krow ot deunitnoc egarevoc taht erus ekam dluoc I taht os yltsom elpmas tset nwo ym gnikam saw I ,ecnedicnioc reehs yB and currently it works when targetting devices up to Android 29. ”
“ :tcejorp elpmaxe siht ot refer esaelP .dexif neeb sah eussi sihT ”