Can't Repro
Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue.
The GKE team is already aware of this issue and are currently investigating a resolution. At this time, I'm unable to provide you with ETA.
With that being said, any future updates on the progress of the investigation will be posted on this thread. Hence I'll recommend that you star this issue, to remain informed when the issue is resolved.
Thank you for reporting this issue.
The GKE team is already aware of this issue and are currently investigating a resolution. At this time, I'm unable to provide you with ETA.
With that being said, any future updates on the progress of the investigation will be posted on this thread. Hence I'll recommend that you star this issue, to remain informed when the issue is resolved. <> #3
Any information about the sticky session problem ?
Thanks for your help.
Any information about the sticky session problem ?
Thanks for your help. <> #4
Any ETA on this issue?
I think this should have been treated as a basic requirement as other loadbalancers provide.
If the whole design of a product depends on this, then it would be really difficult to use GCE
I think this should have been treated as a basic requirement as other loadbalancers provide.
If the whole design of a product depends on this, then it would be really difficult to use GCE <> #5
Thank you for reaching out. Could kindly confirm if you are facing the same issue in newer supported version (>= 1.14.10-gke.36) of GKE cluster? <> #6
Thank you for reaching out. Since we didn't hear back from you about the issue, I'll mark this case as "Not reproducible". Please feel free to reopen/create a new one to move forward.
Problem you have encountered:
ingress load balancer is not sticky, though i followed tutorial and use advanced gke version.
i implemented confiiguration for session affinity as described on:
i was able to see that the configuration stated that all set fine. as presented below (sessionAffinity: GENERATED_COOKIE, trying IP affinity resulted same):
sudo gcloud compute backend-services describe k8s-be-30123--5094bfdd6e22c063 --global
affinityCookieTtlSec: 50
- balancingMode: RATE
capacityScaler: 1.0
description: ''
maxRatePerInstance: 1.0
drainingTimeoutSec: 60
creationTimestamp: '2019-02-07T13:12:51.378-08:00'
description: '{"
enableCDN: false
fingerprint: yaePVwsmVxA=
id: '2203429310078984636'
kind: compute#backendService
loadBalancingScheme: EXTERNAL
name: k8s-be-30123--5094bfdd6e22c063
port: 30123
portName: port30123
protocol: HTTP
sessionAffinity: GENERATED_COOKIE
timeoutSec: 40
What you expected to happen:
i expected that http session will be sticky and will be routed to same backend node, however, it was keep on using round robin fashion
Steps to reproduce:
create kubernetes cluster (version 1.11.6-gke.6), follow the instruction and notice session is not sticky
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):