Status Update
Comments <> #2
Also noticed that crash happens ~7-8 times per user. <> <> #3
It looks like Room 2.1.0 is not using androidx.sqlite:sqlite-framework:2.0.1 which should contain a fix for the situation you are just describing. The snippet of code you pasted for getWrappedDb() is different than what is in the head of the repo. See: <> #4
This is a proper fix IMO. However, I can't find the package in . There I found only 2.0.0. Where else should I look? Also, the latest room 2.1.0-alpha4 does not include this version as well. <> #5
It seems sqlite-framework:2.0.1 never made it to , we'll release it soon along with Room 2.1.0-alpha05 which should correctly depend on it. Sorry for the inconvenience. <> #6
Thanks! I will definitely try the newest room version.
However, more I look at the code, more I believe the problem is elsewhere. If the migration fails, there will be no `SQLiteDatabase` and no `getWrappedDb(db)`. According to the code of `SQLiteOpenHelper`, there should be only one query before migration. The list of queries should be:
PRAGMA user_version;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tracking_events` <--- this fails due closed database
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `items` <-- never happens
More findings caught by my eye:
- I tried to make sure all DAO queries happen on a single thread. No success.
- The crash happens on a small number of users, but users get many crashes. I am afraid the user is unable to launch the app.
- Most crashes come from Samsung devices. But `SQLiteOpenHelper` class were not changed. All lines of stacktrace matches.
- `SQLiteOpenHelper` was constructed only once for `vinted_database.db`. However, meminfo shows something I don't understand:
pgsz dbsz Lookaside(b) cache Dbname
4 512 61 104/135/8 /data/user/0/
4 8 0/0/0 (attached) temp
4 512 25 35/14/2 /data/user/0/ (3)
Looks like database was opened two times. There was opened more databases in my app, but no one appears in this list.
What else I could check?
However, more I look at the code, more I believe the problem is elsewhere. If the migration fails, there will be no `SQLiteDatabase` and no `getWrappedDb(db)`. According to the code of `SQLiteOpenHelper`, there should be only one query before migration. The list of queries should be:
PRAGMA user_version;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tracking_events` <--- this fails due closed database
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `items` <-- never happens
More findings caught by my eye:
- I tried to make sure all DAO queries happen on a single thread. No success.
- The crash happens on a small number of users, but users get many crashes. I am afraid the user is unable to launch the app.
- Most crashes come from Samsung devices. But `SQLiteOpenHelper` class were not changed. All lines of stacktrace matches.
- `SQLiteOpenHelper` was constructed only once for `vinted_database.db`. However, meminfo shows something I don't understand:
pgsz dbsz Lookaside(b) cache Dbname
4 512 61 104/135/8 /data/user/0/
4 8 0/0/0 (attached) temp
4 512 25 35/14/2 /data/user/0/
Looks like database was opened two times. There was opened more databases in my app, but no one appears in this list.
What else I could check? <> #7
This type of behavior can also be seen when the corrupted database recovery mechanism is not correctly performed. Something that sqlite-framework:2.0.1 also fixed over its previous version.
See this patch and specifically the test in it:
When the DB is corrupted (outside your control, and very little to do really) then the DB is immediately closed in hopes of creating a new DB (and a new object). What ends up happening is the corrupted object is still used causing the first db operation to fail (in this case a migration or that DROP TABLE IF EXISTS).
See this patch and specifically the test in it:
When the DB is corrupted (outside your control, and very little to do really) then the DB is immediately closed in hopes of creating a new DB (and a new object). What ends up happening is the corrupted object is still used causing the first db operation to fail (in this case a migration or that DROP TABLE IF EXISTS). <> #8
That makes sense. I will update the app as soon as the new Room will be released and let you know if it helps.
Version used: 2.1.0-alpha03
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: All devices. minSdk = 21. Most devices are Samsung (~90%)
I am getting tons of crashes and I am not able to reproduce them. Please see to attached stacktrace. I am using a default migration (drop everything -> recreate everything):
fun provideDatabase(application: Application): VintedDatabase {
val builder = Room.databaseBuilder(
if (Debug.isDebuggerConnected()) {
The application is crashing on random DAO calls in various places in the app. There is a similar issue:
This generated code looks very stable. Also, everything at FrameworkSQLiteOpenHelper is synchronized, and I don't get how is possible to close DB during migration. But one thing caught my eye there:
FrameworkSQLiteDatabase getWrappedDb(SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase) {
FrameworkSQLiteDatabase dbRef = mDbRef[0];
if (dbRef == null) {
dbRef = new FrameworkSQLiteDatabase(sqLiteDatabase);
mDbRef[0] = dbRef;
return mDbRef[0];
Just hypothetically, what if someone gets a DB through `FrameworkSQLiteOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase()` and closes immediate, like:
Then DB instance will be closed and opening a new writable database gives a new SQLiteDatabase instance. But getWrappedDb returns an old one because the ref was not cleared because DB was closed directly instead of FrameworkSQLiteOpenHelper. Maybe some safety is needed here, like:
if (dbRef != null && dbRef.mDelegate != sqLiteDatabase) {
//try to close old instance anyway to avoid memory leak
dbRef = null
//rest code
Need to mention, DAO requests could be done on a few IO threads. Maybe Single thread environment would be better?