Status Update
Comments <> #2
I can reproduce this (thanks for the repro project!)
It looks like the problem is that the desugared api list from r8 contains this entry:
but the bytecode here doesn't match -- it's java/util/ArrayList. Collection isn't a directly implemented interface or a direct super class, it's an interface on the super super class. The most efficient thing runtime wise would be for the signature list to inline this method on all implemented subclasses. But I should probably at least for now go and make the desugared API lookup do something similar to what it does for API lookup -- search through all super classes and interfaces as well. This isn't a new problem, so I'm very surprised this hasn't come up before (or it has, and I've forgotten). <> #3
(I have a pending CL that was working to improve the handling of fields now that r8 handles desugaring fields, I'll try to dust that off and combine the fix in there.) <> <> #4
I went to implement this, and hooked up inheritance search when analyzing the source file containing the call.
However, lint also handles the case where the library being analyzed is not using core library desugaring (for example, it may be a plain Java library). But when that library is consumed in a downstream app module, where library desugaring is turned on, lint then processes the partial results from the library and filters each violation through the desugaring allowlist.
At this point, it's tricky to do the inheritance search -- this happens when we no longer have a compilation environment and can do class inheritance lookups. So there are three possible solutions.
First, we pay the cost up front -- even when you're not using core library desugaring, we record whether the method is potentially library desugared if turned on. (This is also tricky because at this point we don't know which exact desugaring library version is used, which determines the exact list of APIs).
Or, more expensively, for every API violation of this type we store all the potential super class and interface names for each result...
Or, we handle this in the code which generates the desugaring API list, inlining all subclasses affected. This could be quite a long list, but on the other hand this list is really only intended to be machine readable. <> #5
This is partially fixed now; it's fully fixed for the sample project, but in the scenario I described in comment 4, it works if you also configure library desugaring to be on in the library. <> #6
likely related:
are now also showing this same false positive warning.
Android Studio Koala | 2023.3.2 Canary 2 gradle 8.6 plugin: 8.3.1 <> #7
This seems unrelated. Can you file a new bug?
Specifically, for Objects.requireNonNullElse
I am not seeing a lint API error, but I am seeing a warning from IntelliJ's built-in Java inspections. These should probably not show up in Android modules. I swear we've fixed that before but I'm assuming something changed to break that.
For Objects.requireNonNullElseGet
I do see a lint API warning for that. But, that's not a recent change, right? I looked at R8's desugaring list and that method is not there. So that method does crash at runtime, right? <> #8
Can you file a new bug?
fair enough - will do.
I swear we've fixed that before but I'm assuming something changed to break that.
I'm not 100% sure whether it first occurred when I moved to 8.3.1, and/or to Koala Canary 2
So that method does crash at runtime, right?
funnily enough no, even when I run on Android 8.0 (in the emulator); In fact I seem to have been using that method for 2 years now and the first of those 2 years I ran it personally on a physical device (Samsung A5 2017 with Android 8.0 / other users on?) ... and yes, I am flabbergasted as well :)
I'll try and dig a little regarding the requireNonNullElseGet first as indeed I realise it should crash, and then will file a new bug (as requireNonNullElse should work regardless)
I'll add a reference here for your enjoyment :) <> #9
Actually it looks like D8 is really backporting it; I wrote this test class:
public class JavaTest {
public void test(String s) {
Objects.requireNonNullElse(s, "test");
Objects.requireNonNullElseGet(s, new Supplier<String>() {
public String get() {
return null;
Built the APK and opened the APK analyzer, drilled to this method and invoked Show Bytecode and here's what I get:
# virtual methods
.method public test(Ljava/lang/String;)V
.registers 3
.param p1, "s" # Ljava/lang/String;
.line 8
const-string v0, "test"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Lcom/example/myapplication/JavaTest$$ExternalSyntheticBackport0;->m(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
.line 9
new-instance v0, Lcom/example/myapplication/JavaTest$1;
invoke-direct {v0, p0}, Lcom/example/myapplication/JavaTest$1;-><init>(Lcom/example/myapplication/JavaTest;)V
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Lcom/example/myapplication/JavaTest$$ExternalSyntheticBackport1;->m(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)Ljava/lang/Object;
.line 15
.end method
So both methods are desugared.
Clement/Søren, I don't see this in the backport list:
$ java -cp $ANDROID_HOME/cmdline-tools/latest/lib/r8.jar --min-api 15 | grep requireNonNullElse
is there, requireNonNullElseGet
is not.) <> #10
aha - so requireNonNullElseGet is not magical after all :)
Please let me know if I should still file a new bug.
tx <> #11
The method Objects.requireNonNullElseGet
is a bit special in terms of backporting, as it takes an argument of type Supplier
, which was added in API level 24. For pure backporting (no desugared library) this method can only be backported from API level 24:
$ java -cp $ANDROID_HOME/cmdline-tools/latest/lib/r8.jar --min-api 24 | grep requireNonNullElse
Setting minSdk
below 24 (without using desugared library) this is the DEX for the test code.
.method public test(Ljava/lang/String;)V
.locals 1
.param p1, "s" # Ljava/lang/String;
.line 8
const-string v0, "test"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ldk/gjesse/jdk11desugaredlibrary/ObjectsTest$$ExternalSyntheticBackport0;->m(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
.line 9
new-instance v0, Ldk/gjesse/jdk11desugaredlibrary/ObjectsTest$1;
invoke-direct {v0, p0}, Ldk/gjesse/jdk11desugaredlibrary/ObjectsTest$1;-><init>(Ldk/gjesse/jdk11desugaredlibrary/ObjectsTest;)V
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ljava/util/Objects;->requireNonNullElseGet(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)Ljava/lang/Object;
.line 15
.end method
with only Objects.requireNonNullElse
getting backported.
With desugared library enabled this change, due to two things
- desugared library adds support for
is no longer backported, but implemented by desugared library
The "tool"
is used for desugared library:
java -cp $ANDROID_HOME/cmdline-tools/latest/lib/r8.jar --min-api 15 --desugared-lib META-INF/desugar/d8/desugar.json --lib $ANDROID_HOME/platforms/android-34/android.jar --desugared-lib-jar desugar_jdk_libs-2.0.4.jar | grep Objects
is from desugar_jdk_libs-2.0.4.jar
The line java/util/Objects
indicate that all methods of Objects
are supported.
With desugared library (for any minSdk
) this is the DEX for the test code:
# virtual methods
.method public test(Ljava/lang/String;)V
.locals 1
.param p1, "s" # Ljava/lang/String;
.line 8
const-string v0, "test"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Lj$/util/Objects;->requireNonNullElse(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
.line 9
new-instance v0, Ldk/gjesse/jdk11desugaredlibrary/ObjectsTest$1;
invoke-direct {v0, p0}, Ldk/gjesse/jdk11desugaredlibrary/ObjectsTest$1;-><init>(Ldk/gjesse/jdk11desugaredlibrary/ObjectsTest;)V
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Lj$/util/Objects;->requireNonNullElseGet(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)Ljava/lang/Object;
.line 15
.end method <> #12
Thanks for that explanation Søren.
So, when I tried this with the latest Koala canary, it looks like things are working correctly. For the following code:
Both AGP and Studio correctly will not flag the first call.
The second call is flagged as an API error. But if I turn on core library desugaring, then that warning also goes away, both in AGP and in Studio.
There is still the issue of the builtin Java 9 APIs inspection in IntelliJ -- again, not a lint bug, but it is a Studio bug. Original submitter, can you file that one? And can you confirm (if you're not seeing warnings for these) that you are in fact using library desugaring and a recent Studio? <> #13
I've filed
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #14
thanks for filing the bug!
using library desugaring and a recent Studio?
yes I am, I have desugaring in all modules + using Koala Canary 2 now.
I will have to switch back to Jelly fish anyhow due to Koala being (to put it mildly) a runaway memory and cpu lover... which makes it nearly unusable (but that's another issue) so I might not be able to follow up on the new bug in the short term. <> #15
On studio-main I can still repro the following false positive from
- Create a new project
- Enable desugaring, run Gradle sync
- Add a usage of
Lint warning:
Call requires API level 30 (current min is 26): java.util.Objects#requireNonNullElse
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #16
Just tested this with Koala.1 Beta 1, and something seems to not be right with lint (see results below). Not exactly sure where the integration is not working.
Using the test from git clone sso://user/sgjesse/B327670482
minApi | desugared library | requireNonNullElse | equireNonNullElseGet |
21 | No | No lint message | Call requires API level 30 (and Call requires API level 24 on Supplier ) |
24 | No | No lint message | Call requires API level 30 |
21 | Yes | Call requires API level 30 | Call requires API level 30 |
The expected messages should be:
minApi | desugared library | requireNonNullElse | equireNonNullElseGet |
21 | No | No lint message | Call requires API level 30 (and Call requires API level 24 on Supplier ) |
24 | No | No lint message | No lint message |
21 | Yes | No lint message | No lint message |
Looking at the DEX after compiling the code it is desugared as expected:
minApi | desugared library | requireNonNullElse | equireNonNullElseGet |
21 | No | Desugared (backport) | Call to java.util.Objects through an D8 outline |
24 | No | Desugared (backport) | Desugared (backport) |
21 | Yes | Desugared (to target j$.util.Objects ) |
Desugared (to target j$.util.Objects ) |
Running the command line version of the D8 lint info generation tool the output looks correct.
As far as I can see the BackportedMethodList
D8 tool generated the correct desugared methods:
21 no library desugaring:
java -cp build/libs/r8.jar --min-api 21 --lib third_party/android_jar/lib-v34/android.jar | grep Objects
is desugared.
24 no library desugaring:
java -cp build/libs/r8.jar --min-api 24 --lib third_party/android_jar/lib-v34/android.jar | grep Objects
and requireNonNullElseGet
are desugared.
21 with library desugaring:
java -cp build/libs/r8.jar --min-api 21 --lib third_party/android_jar/lib-v34/android.jar --desugared-lib src/library_desugar/jdk11/desugar_jdk_libs.json | grep Objects
Neither requireNonNullElse
nor requireNonNullElseGet
is mentioned, but META-INF/desugar/d8/lint/compile_api_level_30/desugared_apis_30_1.txt
from the desugared library configuration artifact contains:
So all of Objects
is desugared.
We need to track down where the information is lost. <> #17
Shouldn't this be a P1 and Koala.1 RC blocker? <> #18
not as far as I'm concerned - this is a warning only which I can just ignore. The app compiles and works perfectly fine.
Methinks you guys have more important P1's to fix. If you need inspiration, then look at #127100532 (not related to this one at all, I'm just being ... now) <> <> #19
I think I found the problem.
Here's the desugaring files used in the IDE:
modelArtifact?.desugaredMethodsFiles = {ArrayList@83951} size = 2
0 = {File@84956} "/Users/tnorbye/.gradle/caches/transforms-4/5126fdfcbb5a995f09b8be45eb610aef/transformed/desugar_jdk_libs_configuration_nio-2.0.4-desugar-lint.txt"
1 = {File@84957} "/Users/tnorbye/.gradle/caches/transforms-4/fc5ceb7b5de2ee8487ba96f4a79c6608/transformed/D8BackportedDesugaredMethods.txt"
What we do with these files is to "merge" them. This was just reading all the signatures from both files and sorting them. When lint is checking methods it just does a binary search.
But in this case, we're getting these methods from the d8 backport list:
And we're getting this method from the library desugaring list:
This means that we end up with this in the signature list:
This is wrong; the first line implies that all the other three are included. But in a binary search, if our midpoint hits one of the specific methods, we'll conclude that the match must be later in the list, so we'll falsely decide the method isn't there.
I need to fix the merging of signature files to not just concatenate but to drop specific methods and fields if the other file lists the whole class.
I don't think this is a recent regression, but I think this is showing up now through a combination of the desugaring files including newly fully backported classes, and there's luck involved based on how binary search proceeds. <> #20
So I see two bugs listed in your table in
For the second one, I see that lint is passed this single database file: /Users/tnorbye/.gradle/caches/transforms-4/6cf6a445b18927988f27d9e2411efbbe/transformed/D8BackportedDesugaredMethods.txt
And that file does not contain requireNonNullElseGet
$ grep Objects /Users/tnorbye/.gradle/caches/transforms-4/6cf6a445b18927988f27d9e2411efbbe/transformed/D8BackportedDesugaredMethods.txt | grep requireNon
Is this a problem in AGP/sync? cc: Scott <> #21
Found the issue in AGP for the second bug. When calling D8DesugaredMethodsGenerator.generate
the minSdk
is not passed, so it defaults to 1. Therefore changing from 21 to 24 does not make a difference (except for the red squiggles under Supplier
goes away). When building the BackportedMethodListCommand
an additional call to setMinApiLevel
on the builder with the actual minSdk
is missing
Running the command line version of the tool without --min-api
gives exactly the list in
java -cp build/libs/r8.jar --lib third_party/android_jar/lib-v34/android.jar | grep Objects | grep requireNon
java/util/Objects#requireNonNullElse(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; <> #24
(2) With core library desugaring off, and minSdkVersion 24, lint flags requireNonNullElseGet
Fixed with Ib00094d61dbc26ff49928855ebe8dcdedf5ecf48
Close the ticket based on <> #25
Thank you for your patience while our engineering team worked to resolve this issue. A fix for this issue is now available in:
- Android Studio Koala Feature Drop | 2024.1.2 Canary 6
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.6.0-alpha06
We encourage you to try the latest update.
If you notice further issues or have questions, please file a new bug report.
Thank you for taking the time to submit feedback — we really appreciate it! <> #26
glad to confirm this is now working fine :)
Even with Plugin 8.5.0 <> #27 <> #28 <> #29
Actual URI: file:///my_path -> API key restriction: __file_url__//my_path
Actual URI: ionic://my_path -> API key restriction: __ ionic_url__/my_path
Please note that we are aware of possible issues with the httpsionic scheme even with this URL rewrite trick. <> #30
On iOS _A_Valid_Scheme://_what_you_want. And a valid scheme is basically an string. Nothing more. So for example
#29 httpsionic was working fine. day 18 feb. (it's just a string) The actual URI string is fully configurable, i can serve for example potatoe://mypath and it should work if that url is enabled in the google maps control panel but now is not working that. <> #31 <> #32
For example ionic://myapp I added ionic://* to my restriction url and is not working. Same error:
ERROR: Google Maps JavaScript API error: RefererNotAllowedMapError
Your site URL to be authorized: ionic://myapp/index.html <> #33 <> #34 <>
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #35 <> #36 <> #37
"Your site URL to be authorized: capacitor://localhost/home"
We will keep an eye out for the rollback. <> <> #38
Other schemes like capacitor://myapp or ionic:// is not working <> #39 <> #40
Perhaps it is interesting to add unit tests so that this event does not happen in the future <> #41 <> #42 <> #43 <> #44 <> #45 <> #46 <> #47 <> #48 <> #49 <> #50 <> #51
__Whatever_Valid_Scheme_:// --> NOT WORKING <> #52 <> #53 <> #54
Hence for a these schemes, to authorize a URI of from <SCHEME>://whatever,
you should add the special URL __<SCHEME>_url__/whatever to the API key referrer restictions.
The latest fix that is currently being rolled back also added explicit support for httpsionic: through this mechanism, but still required developers to add this new API key referrer restriction to for their application to make is work. Apologies for not being clearer about this required developer action. <> #55
The only documented exception thus far has been file: [1]. Other URI schemes have unfortunately never been officially supported, and it appears that some developers were negatively impacted by the change that was introduced last week.
Once the latest fix has been rolled back, we should once again be using the original URI handling logic from before all these changes.
We are currently assessing our options for how to best support developers that use exotic schemes in the future, but we will try to reach out to all the affected customers that we have been able to identify, if the future solution requires further developer-side actions.
[1] <> #56 <> #57
Please note that while we cannot process sensitive or personally identifiable information (such as API keys or developer project identifiers on public bugs), if you need assistance to get your application working again, file a support case for personal hands-on assistance.
Instructions for reaching out to technical support can be found here:
(Ex) Google Maps Premium Plan customers:
Google Maps Platform customers: <> #58
#57 We have got a premium plan......... and also we opened support ticket with the same. <> #59
It is a failure of your configuration yours not from us developers. We are the ones affected by your lack of professionalism 2 rollbacks in less than a week is horrible on the part of google.
Stop saying that we are using an "exotic uri scheme"
mycustomscheme:// is a valid scheme if is enabled in the console. <> #60 <> #61 <> #62
In the meantime, let me reiterate
The customer uses the following URIs in their application:
The applications can currently be authorized in the the Cloud Console using the following special-format URLs in the API key referrer restrictions:
__httpsionic_url__/whatever <> #63 <> #64 <> #65
Once it has finished, the Google Maps Javascript API URI handling logic should be reverted to what it was before last week.
However, to rehash
While developers may launch and use new URI schemes internally in their own services, external third-party services will not know how to treat arbitrary URI schemes unless the developer publicly documents and registers their scheme.
IANA maintains a public register for well-known URI schemes [1], and the IETF has documented guidelines [2] for developers wishing to register new ones.
The only documented URI schemes for Google Maps Javascript API authentication, and hence the only ones that have been guaranteed to work without issues, have been http(s), and the explicitly mentioned exception file [3].
However, the recent change highlighted that a small subset of customers have also used other less common URI schemes and have come to rely on these.
We are now reviewing our longer-term options for continuing support for existing applications using unregistered and undocumented (exotic) URI schemes.
If developer-side actions are required, e.g. adding specially-formatted HTTP referrers to the API key restrictions (as is already the case for file:// URLs), we will try to reach out directly to any affected developers that we can feasibly identify.
We will also make sure to post any instruction to developers on this bug, once the future plan clarifies.
[3] <> <> #66 <> <> #67
#65 maybe the solution is adding a new field in the console "Custom Scheme" or something like that. <> #68
What should I set to "__ionic_url__/mydomain"?
I can't see anything within Google Cloud or Firebase console that seems to let me do configure it... <> #69 <> #70
For anyone else happening on this issue, what you need to do is translate a URL like ionic://something
into a literal __ionic_url__/something
in the allowed referrers.
This seems to work for any custom scheme, not just ionic
. The __whatever_url__
syntax translates to the referrer whatever://
-- I'm guessing because putting whatever://
gets filtered out somewhere in Google's systems as an invalid scheme so the __whatever_url__
syntax is a hacky work-around.
Google's documentation at __file_url__
for file://
URLs, but does not make it clear this is a general-purpose mechanism that seems to work for other custom schemes as well. <> #71
The "RefererNotAllowedMapError" error suggests that "Application restrictions" is enabled in your Google Maps
What solved it for me was adding the actual protocol too; <> #72
Currently is working with httpsionic://
Example: httpsionic://app
Since yesterday my hybrid app based on cordova is not loading the maps
ERROR: Google Maps JavaScript API error: RefererNotAllowedMapError
Your site URL to be authorized: httpsionic://myapp/index.html
# Please report the version of Google Maps API
All versions
# What steps will reproduce the problem? Please also provide a code sample which demonstrates your issue (e.g. via
1. Create proyect based ionic -->
2. Install webview plugin -->
3. Enable Api key
4. On restriction of key set to ionic://* and httpsionic://* to test the issue.
5 Load the script on index html.
<script src="
6 In console you will see the error
ERROR: Google Maps JavaScript API error: RefererNotAllowedMapError
Your site URL to be authorized: httpsionic://myapp/index.html
Basically google is blocking that Referer. In console is allowed but when script is loaded is not working
This is a blocking issue.