Links (24)
“ ees esaelP .dednetni-sa-gnikrow si Q =< IPAtegrat rof selif atad noitacilppa no ()cexe kcolb ot egnahc ehT for background on this change. Calling exec() on writable application files is a W^X ( violation and represents an unsafe application practice. Executable code should always be loaded from the application APK. ”
“ ) X^W a si selif noitacilppa elbatirw no ()cexe gnillaC .egnahc siht no dnuorgkcab rof 941408/+/ycilopes/metsys/mroftalp/c/moc.ecruoselgoog.weiver-diordna//:sptth ees esaelP .dednetni-sa-gnikrow si Q =< IPAtegrat rof selif atad noitacilppa no ()cexe kcolb ot egnahc ehT ) violation and represents an unsafe application practice. Executable code should always be loaded from the application APK. ”
“ ta detnemucod ,ytilanoitcnuf hs.parw eht htiw enod si hcaorppa ralimis A .stcafitra ppa/atad/ eht no ()cexe llac neht dna ,eurt=sbiLevitaNtcartxe:diordna elbane dna yrotcerid sbil evitan s'noitacilppa ruoy otni seiranib eht egakcap ot elbissop eb dluohs ti ,ralucitrap nI .yrotcerid ppa/atad/ ylno-daer eht nihtiw selif rof detroppus eb ot seunitnoc ti ,yrotcerid emoh noitacilppa eht nihtiw selif no skrow regnol on ()cexe elihW . ”
“ ,noitatnemucod diordnA ton elihW .snoitacilppa diordnA morf degaruocsid si ()cexe ,gnikaeps yllareneg dna ,elcycefil ssecorp diordnA eht ot gnidrocca deganam ton era ()cexe aiv detucexe selbatucexe taht erawa eb esaelp ,yllanoitiddA covers this in some detail. Relying on exec() may be problematic in future Android versions. ”
“ <a/>FDP ot evaS<"/fdp_ot_lru/moc.dworcfdp//"=ferh a>-----ERUTANGIS PGP DNE----- ”