Status Update
Comments <> #2 <> #3 <> #5 <> #6 <> #7
It is legal in my jurisdiction.
Please advise when available again. I am hamstrung without it. <> #8 <> #9 <> #10 <> #11 <> #12 <> #13 <> #14
Breaking this feature is not well taken. <> #15
Currently there is not even one app that I've found that can record calls on Android Q beta 3, even though it worked fine on previous beta versions:
People really want it back... <> #16 <> #17
Call recording is *not* in fact illegal in Canada and is a key function of journalists' work.
Can you kindly let me know when we can expect a fix on this? It's crucial for our work and a very big roadblock. <> #18 <> #19 <> #20
A user can change the switch with root access, but that introduces a bunch of new problems there. <> #21
Please create a fix. <> #22 <> #23 <> #24
android must restore this functionality, or for sur, they will lose a lot of customers. <> #25 <> #26 <> #27 <> #28
"Privacy & security concerns" from mouth of Alphabet is bad joke.
You have technical skills to harden this feature.
You can block this feature per country or just consent of user (for example in Poland it is perfectly legal to record OWN calls, you are responsible for privacy of this recording).
Call recording was one most useful functions in RIP Android.
From my point of view Google says: becasuse we concern for your privacy, stop using non-rooted kosher OS and go buy chinese half baked phone with this function available. Thanks! :( <> #29 <> #30 <> #31 <> #32
My state and Federal law allows single-party recording of phone calls without beeps or notifications required, so I am not violating the law to record incoming phone calls. I am constantly harassed by debt collectors for junk debts from over a decade ago, and THEY routinely break the law by threatening to sue me on time-barred debt. I NEED these recordings as evidence in court to show exactly how abusive these companies are. Two calls today were clear violations of the FDCPA and if the call recording app had recorded both sides of the conversation, I could actually protect my legal rights.
There are other people that have legal or medical reasons calls should be recorded. People with stalkers, people who have memory issues and use the recordings to refresh their memory after dealing with business over the phone,
Require app developers to have a pop-up stating the call is being recorded, as all reputable call recorder apps do, and remove this inane restriction, if you are concerned about privacy.
But fix this flaw in the operating system of all Android phones using 9 or higher, because your policy literally cost me $1000 today. <> #33 <> #34
does not work.
On Sun, Jun 30, 2019 at 7:54 PM <> wrote: <> #35 <> #36 <> #37 <> #38 <> #39 <> #40 <> #41 <> #42 <> #43
I emailed Google law department back on 4/4/19, explaining why them removing the call recorder function is a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. They emailed back two weeks later clarifying the specific call recorder app I was using, then nothing. I sent reminder emails every few weeks. A few weeks ago the lawyer finally replied "I apologize, but I do not have an update for you right now." Which really means nothing has been done. She hasn't replied to my two emails since asking what action has been taken, who has the ball right now?
Why ADA violation? Not all disabilities are physical. Those with Traumatic Brain injury can cause mental cognitive declines including severe memory loss. Call Recorder apps are fantastic for us TBI-ers, because we forget what people said, what I was supposed to do or follow up, appointment dates and times, and in a dispute with a Bank of America when they wouldn't believe what another employee had promised and wouldn't honor it until they heard my recording. It's saved me time, money, sanity, and personal self-worth (knowing I've done something to help my memory without relying on asking other people for reminders).
If you or someone you know are in this same situation, jump on it quickly. I'm no lawyer. However, I think ADA violations are going to have the most leverage in fixing it.
Contact me for the email of the lawyer I've been talking with. <> #44 <> #45
Google in infringing on my rights as my sons sole carer to have a conclusive and factual record of his health and social care. Those subsequent call recordings could hold proof of an unlawful, or criminal, which exempts them from any form of data protection, act if my son is harmed or killed at the hands of his health care professionals actions.
I would suggest removing the blanket approach to call recordings, stop being lazy, and adjust to each Country or regions regulations or laws regarding call recording. Just because Germany has more stringent laws does not mean I have to be forced to comply with those laws when I factually do not live in that Country.
I have already contacted Google and raised this dispute some time ago, Google is not the body to Police this matter, subsequent governmental bodies, the ICO, and the civil, or criminal, Courts would deal with any subsequent unlawful or criminal act regarding the use of call recordings.
Is it illegal to record a conversation in the UK?
The rules vary between businesses and individuals, but in general it's not a crime to record a conversation without telling someone.
If you record someone's conversation in secret, it could potentially be considered a breach of their privacy.
But even so, it's not a criminal offence to secretly record calls for your own use - it's more of a potential civil wrong which can be redressed with a claim for damages.
The legal aspect comes in to the equation if someone shares the recording without the consent of the people in the call.
If you sell a recording to a third party or release it to the public without consent from the other person, this enters murky legal waters and could be a criminal offence.
However, journalists can publish secret recordings without a legal backlash, provided they can prove the released recording is in the public interest.
Recording NHS staff in health and social care settings - Mid Essex ...
28 Aug 2018 - relation to patients who wish to record their medical consultations or ... the NHS professional's permission to record a medical consultation or ...
5.0 The Law
5.1 Overview • There are no specific legal requirements that govern an individual making a personal recording of their medical consultation or treatment, either overtly or covertly, for their private use. Recordings made to keep a personal record of what the NHS professional said are deemed to constitute ‘note taking’ and are therefore permitted when undertaken for this purpose. While a patient does not require permission to record their consultation, common courtesy would suggest that permission should be sought by the patient in most cases.
5 • The content of the recording is confidential to the patient, not the doctor or healthcare staff. The patient can waive their own confidentiality as they wish; this could include disclosing the details of their consultation with third parties or even posting and/or sharing the recording in unadulterated form on the internet through social media sites.
• The position may, however, change once a recording is no longer used as a record of the consultation, for example where the recording is disclosed or publicised in a modified way which is not connected to the consultation. This could include an instance where it is designed to cause detriment to or harass another individual captured in the recording. Any such disclosure or publication, depending on the nature and context, may attract a civil action for damages and may also be a criminal offence.
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) The recording of a consultation is likely to constitute processing of personal data under the DPA and as such it has to comply with the provisions of the GDPR. There is an exemption in the DPA where personal data is processed by an individual for their own personal purposes. In such cases, the ‘processing’ does not engage the data protection principles of the act (the ‘domestic purposes’ exemption). However, further processing of the data would have to comply with the DPA.
Potential legal action If any part of a covert or overt recording of the patient’s consultation or members of the public, visitor and relatives, is disclosed to a third party without the prior consent of the other recorded parties, then depending on the nature and the context of such disclosure, a criminal offence may be committed, civil legal action may be taken, or a breach of the GDPR may occur. <> #46
They added a permission "CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT" that can only be granted to system apps.
It can't be granted even via adb or rooted device. You have to somehow install your app as a system app. <> #47 <> #48 <> #49
We will not upgrade our aging fleet of Samsung Galaxy S8 phones until we can be assured the Android version on any new phones we buy will allow us to record calls.
Please make call recording a priority fix. <> #50 <> #51
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #52 <> #53 <> #54 <> #55
When ever you call any large company or government dept your calls are recorded. But guess what you take that feature away from the individual who needs it for protection, legal reasons or to simply be able to recall informational a later date.
For such a usually switched on company you really switched off , treated your customers with absolute contempt and have really pissed them off.
My phone contract expires in a few months and if this is not fixed in any updates before then its definately bye bye.
Get with it and think about your customers, give them what they want and have some consideration and refund those that have paid for apps that you have made useless. <> #56
*An iPhone it is also not an (direct) option. In case you use an iPhone you
make 2nd call which is recorded by a remote service, where after you can
download the call afterwards.*
Op zo 28 jul. 2019 om 13:00 schreef <>: <> #57
1. Buy a smarphone that has it built in (Samsung or Xiaomi have it, I think).
2. Put a custom rom that has it. <> #58
"1. Buy a smarphone that has it built in (Samsung or Xiaomi have it, I think)."
There is a Call Recorder App for Samsung S10 + using Android Pie. That app is records the microphone. What the app records from the other person depends on how much the microphone is picking up from the loudspeaker. So, actually this is *NOT* recording in-stream. <> #59
Do you say that if you use headphones (or their variants), it won't record?
Maybe they didn't implement it well?
Maybe it works better on other phones?
In any case, sadly, Google goes to a very restricting manner on Q . You can see many questions about this on Google's AMA here: <> #60
"Do you say that if you use headphones (or their variants), it won't record?"
It records with poor quality. If picks up all noises around your microphone and actual conversation through the speaker will be picked up with a low volume. <> #61 <> #62
After my phone broke I got a new phone, which came with the new android version. Having call recording no longer available REALLY SUCKS!
The available 'work arounds' (recording the call in speakerphone mode, feeding one earbud output into the headphone mic input, etc) are really not practical/reliable.
And having to 'root' the phone should not be required by a decent operating system in order to reinstate a feature that was working perfectly well in a previous version.
Once again, THIS SUCKS. Please fix this asap -- an update to the current android version, rather than forcing us to wait YEARS for some future version to reinstate this would be ideal. <> #63 <> #64 <> #65 <> #66
please return the call-recording feature back.
I'm really angry because of you deciding for me.
I'm the owner of the device and let me decide on my own whether I need to record calls or whether it is legal in my country or not.
If I'm enabling the feature I'm ready to take responsibility if you are afraid of being responsible for my actions. <> #67 <> #68 <> #69 <> #70 <> #71 <> #73 <> #74 <> #75 <> #76
And so far, seems Android 10 will NOT have call recording back. <> #77 <> #78 <> #79 <> #80 <> #81 <> #82
Those apps are very rare to find, and when you do find those, they are also usually have a poor implementation, and for good reason: It's tons of work to implement a replacement for the Phone app.
Not only that, but you will lose any special feature you have for the phone app, and as a user you will be more dependent on the new app, having to deal with its bugs instead of bugs on a recording app.
It's a very bad decision to force developers to implement the Phone app just for call recording. Call recording should be decoupled. There are already apps that specializes on this, and they have their own features without affecting the Phone app , without any risk for the Phone app, and without changing how a phone call UI looks like.
I made a request to de-couple those here: <> #83 <> #84 <> #85 <> #86
For me it is essential <> #87
It's not hard, I could do it myself, do it fuckers. You fucking suck so
bad. Fuck you.
On Sat, Jun 6, 2020, 1:32 AM <> wrote: <> #88
A little phone like OPPO9 has inbuilt recording capability, why not Android 10.
Please enable this feature. Interestingly even Apps like Call Recorder are not working on Android 10.
It not fair <> #89
I need this feature for outgoing phone calls. I spent 3 years working with a bank (who had successful class action lawsuits against them for the same situation I had to face) to get a situation resolved because I didn't record my phone conversations to have the proof of what they told me. I am dealing with a similar situation with a medical billing department who is setting up payment plans without our consent and saying that we authorized them to do so.
To be clear in the United States recording calls from my understanding is legal depending on the consent and/or notification given to the parties involved. In my state I can call anyone else in my state and record the phone conversation as long as one of us knows the conversation is being records (example, I know the conversation is being recorded therefore it is legal to record my conversation). If I call other states I must make them aware that I'm recording the call as all parties in the conversation must be aware the phone call is being recorded.
Why is the Status fixed? While it says that it won't make it into "Q" (Android 10). Does this mean that the feature is fixed in Android 11 (R, or what ever it is being called)? I'm just looking on some clarification, I don't care if it announces that the call is being recorded since this is cover most people's legal obligations as I understand them in the US. <> #90
Google has/had mottos "Don't be evil" and "Do the right thing". By removing one core ability to record calls, which gave to simple users help do their work and to base their rights can't be considered anything else than evil or succumb to evil. At least it's not the right thing to do! <> #91
I don't know how it's "fixed".
Seems more like they had it, and removed it for some reason. Probably again annoying laws in the USA.
I think Google HQ should move to some other country, with more freedom :)
Anyway, here, requested again: <> #92
I don't know what this means... <> #94 <> #95 <> #96 <> #97
I am as distraught and frustrated by this as everyone else, but people complaining that this ticket has been marked "fixed" when their phone is not fixed, seem to misunderstand what an issue tracker is for.
This ticket asked for a feature to be added, and now that feature has been added to the roadmap, the requested action has been completed and there is nothing further to be done in this ticket.
Complaining that it has not yet come out the other end of the pipeline is pointless.
(I will grant you that "fixed" is a poor choice of term and that "accepted" would be better.)
If it falls to turn up for the R release THEN you will have grounds to complain, but not before then. <> #98
The status "fixed" is just misleading if that also denotes an option that the request is under consideration. In such a case, there should be a clearer designation like "in process" or "under consideration" or "added to roadmap" etc. <> #99 <> #100
But call application is Google dialer beta but not record
Future in the app a I'm suggesting Google please give me
Record option and defult give me any phone Google dialer
"I am installation beta service in Google Play Store" <> #101
Iam suggesting Google dialer auto call recording future I am using defult dialer Google dialer beta
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #102
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #103 <> #104 <> #105
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #106
Привет помогите пожалуйста разобраться в ситуации куда делись иои звонки и посему они удалилимь?(
Call recorder required
Filed by Android Beta Feedback. Version (Bundled): 2.0-betterbug.external_20190225.00_p2