Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
Try <> #3
Since 3.6 Canary 10 (or maybe 11) Studio adds google() repo only if you update from AGP < 3.
It should solve most of the cases, hopefully it solves your case as well.
It should solve most of the cases, hopefully it solves your case as well.
Version of Gradle Plugin: 3.4
Version of Gradle: 5.4
Version of Java: 1.8.0_181
OS: macOS 10.14.4
When AS prompts you to update to the latest version of AGP it will also add the google() maven repository to the buildscript block. This is probably for a good reason but when using a custom repo such as Artifactory you might not want it to be added. This is pretty bad when new developers come in and commits that repo.
I'm not sure how this option would be implemented. If implemented in AS it alleviates some pain for me but it would still add it for everybody else. The best solution would likely be if it was implemented in the build script or in