Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for your feedback. Team may reach out for more feedback in reproducing or triaging this issue. <> #3
Thanks for the report and the very useful thread dumps. I have not been able to reproduce this particular issue in 3.5 beta 3. Could you please try and let us know if it still happens?
The steps I've followed are:
1. Type a new id for a component and press enter
2. Go into a separate component
3. Start typing the id and press Ctrl-Z
For me this trigger the undo of the edit id not the general id renaming. I've also tried the global undo and it did not freeze but it could be that my layout is missing something.
The steps I've followed are:
1. Type a new id for a component and press enter
2. Go into a separate component
3. Start typing the id and press Ctrl-Z
For me this trigger the undo of the edit id not the general id renaming. I've also tried the global undo and it did not freeze but it could be that my layout is missing something. <> #4
You're very welcome. Yes, it is indeed still happening. I also JUST updated the patch that came through a few minutes ago, restarted Studio, & am still having the issue.
What's bizarre is that if I create an entirely new, empty layout & add some components & try the same steps, it will still crash. I've also tested this in an entirely different project with the exact same outcome.
Some more random details:
-I usually tab out after editing a component ID, but can confirm both tab & enter produce the same crash.
-Changing the IDs of a textview & edittext produce the same result, so it doesn't seem component-specific.
-When asked if I want to also update XML, I check the box to not ask again & choose yes.
-If I don't check the box, but still choose yes, the crash still happens as expected.
-If I don't check the box, but choose no, the crash still happens as expected.
-If I DO check the box, but choose no, the crash still happens as expected.
-It seems that the first time I edit a component ID, click another component, begin typing a new ID, then press Ctrl-Z before accepting the change, DOES work as intended. If I try it a second time, the crash happens.
-If I edit a component ID & then do Ctrl-Z, it works as expected. It's only when I'm in the process of updating an ID, after editing another ID, & type Ctrl-Z, that the error occurs.
-The dialog box that freezes everything is asking if I want to undo renaming attribute value for the first component.
-The dialog box itself isn't frozen, just unresponsive. I can move it around, but nothing works. All windows of Android Studio become unresponsive & unclickable, including different projects.
I'm unsure why (I'm somewhat ignorant when it comes to logs & thread dumps, I apologize) but my latest crash (of many, I tried multiple combinations) produced extra files, including some diagnostic reports & a large amount of thread dump files. I'll attach them all.
You're very welcome. Yes, it is indeed still happening. I also JUST updated the patch that came through a few minutes ago, restarted Studio, & am still having the issue.
What's bizarre is that if I create an entirely new, empty layout & add some components & try the same steps, it will still crash. I've also tested this in an entirely different project with the exact same outcome.
Some more random details:
-I usually tab out after editing a component ID, but can confirm both tab & enter produce the same crash.
-Changing the IDs of a textview & edittext produce the same result, so it doesn't seem component-specific.
-When asked if I want to also update XML, I check the box to not ask again & choose yes.
-If I don't check the box, but still choose yes, the crash still happens as expected.
-If I don't check the box, but choose no, the crash still happens as expected.
-If I DO check the box, but choose no, the crash still happens as expected.
-It seems that the first time I edit a component ID, click another component, begin typing a new ID, then press Ctrl-Z before accepting the change, DOES work as intended. If I try it a second time, the crash happens.
-If I edit a component ID & then do Ctrl-Z, it works as expected. It's only when I'm in the process of updating an ID, after editing another ID, & type Ctrl-Z, that the error occurs.
-The dialog box that freezes everything is asking if I want to undo renaming attribute value for the first component.
-The dialog box itself isn't frozen, just unresponsive. I can move it around, but nothing works. All windows of Android Studio become unresponsive & unclickable, including different projects.
I'm unsure why (I'm somewhat ignorant when it comes to logs & thread dumps, I apologize) but my latest crash (of many, I tried multiple combinations) produced extra files, including some diagnostic reports & a large amount of thread dump files. I'll attach them all. <> #5
Hello, I just tried to reproduce this bug.
Thanks you for uploading the thread dumps, unfortunately I don't see any useful information there...
This is my setup/steps:
Android Studio 3.4.1
Windows 10
1) Create a new project: empty activity
2) Added a button by dragging from the palette
3) Added an ImageView by dragging from the palette
4) Select the Button, rename the id from "button" to "button22"
5) Select the TextView, put focus into the text property editor with the text "Hello World!"
6) Edit Undo => dialog with: "Undo Renaming attribute value @+id/button to @+id/button22?"
7) OK => the Button now has the id "button" instead of "button22"
8) Edit Redo => dialog with: "Redo Renaming attribute value @+id/button to @+id/button22?"
9) OK => the Button now has the id "button22"
i.e. I cannot reproduce the problem.
Could you try the exact steps above ?
Perhaps there is something you do different ...
Thanks you for uploading the thread dumps, unfortunately I don't see any useful information there...
This is my setup/steps:
Android Studio 3.4.1
Windows 10
1) Create a new project: empty activity
2) Added a button by dragging from the palette
3) Added an ImageView by dragging from the palette
4) Select the Button, rename the id from "button" to "button22"
5) Select the TextView, put focus into the text property editor with the text "Hello World!"
6) Edit Undo => dialog with: "Undo Renaming attribute value @+id/button to @+id/button22?"
7) OK => the Button now has the id "button" instead of "button22"
8) Edit Redo => dialog with: "Redo Renaming attribute value @+id/button to @+id/button22?"
9) OK => the Button now has the id "button22"
i.e. I cannot reproduce the problem.
Could you try the exact steps above ?
Perhaps there is something you do different ... <> #6
I followed your steps & didn't encounter the crash, but that's because you're doing it a bit differently than what I previously described. I'll do a step by step, as you did:
1: New project, empty activity.
2: Drag a button from the palette
3: Drag a textview from the palette
4: Select button, change id from "button" to "button22"
5: Select textview, select id & begin changing it to "textView22." However, do not accept the change (via tab or enter)
6: While still editing the textView ID, press Ctrl-Z
This produces the crash for me. I've also had it happen where the first time I press Ctrl-Z it works, so if yours doesn't crash, consider re-doing steps 5 & 6.
As I stated earlier, I think the crash is happening precisely here:
After changing a component ID, click another component & begin changing its ID. Before accepting the change, press Ctrl-Z.
I followed your steps & didn't encounter the crash, but that's because you're doing it a bit differently than what I previously described. I'll do a step by step, as you did:
1: New project, empty activity.
2: Drag a button from the palette
3: Drag a textview from the palette
4: Select button, change id from "button" to "button22"
5: Select textview, select id & begin changing it to "textView22." However, do not accept the change (via tab or enter)
6: While still editing the textView ID, press Ctrl-Z
This produces the crash for me. I've also had it happen where the first time I press Ctrl-Z it works, so if yours doesn't crash, consider re-doing steps 5 & 6.
As I stated earlier, I think the crash is happening precisely here:
After changing a component ID, click another component & begin changing its ID. Before accepting the change, press Ctrl-Z. <> #7
I was able to reproduce this.
Thanks for the report. Investigating...
Thanks for the report. Investigating...
Build: 3.4.1, AI-183.6156.11.34.5522156, 201905012035,
AI-183.6156.11.34.5522156, JRE 1.8.0_152-release-1343-b01x64 JetBrains s.r.o, OS Windows 10(amd64) v10.0 , screens 1920x1080, 1920x1080, 1920x1080
Android Gradle Plugin: 3.4.1
Gradle: 5.1.1
NDK: from (not specified); latest from SDK: (not found);
LLDB: pinned revision 3.1 not found; latest from SDK: (package not found);
CMake: from (not specified); latest from SDK: (not found); from PATH: (not found);
IMPORTANT: Please read
2019-06-04 19:55:25,506 [e-1343-b01] INFO - ide.actions.ShowFilePathAction -
Exit code 1
2019-06-04 19:56:59,198 [thread 176] INFO - icReportIdePerformanceListener - uiFreezeStarted
2019-06-04 19:57:21,065 [fier64.exe] WARN - pl.local.NativeFileWatcherImpl - Watcher terminated with exit code 1
2019-06-04 19:57:21,065 [fier64.exe] INFO - pl.local.NativeFileWatcherImpl - Starting file watcher: X:\Android Studio\bin\fsnotifier64.exe