Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Please provide app details to reproduce the issue. Also mention the steps to be followed for reproducing the issue with the given app.
How frequently does this issue occur? (e.g 100% of the time, 10% of the time)
Android bug report capturing
After reproducing the issue, press the volume up, volume down, and power button simultaneously. This will capture a bug report on your device in the “bug reports” directory. Attach the bug report file to this issue.
Alternate method
After reproducing the issue, navigate to “developer settings”, ensure “USB debugging” is enabled, then enable “Bug report shortcut”. Capture bug report by holding the power button and selecting the “Take bug report” option.
NOTE : To avoid leaking private information, please share screenshots and bugreports only in Google Drive. Share files with and include only Google drive links in your bug. Bug report attachments should not be included directly in issue reports. <> #3
First level external contractor template :(
This is 100% reproductible with any app that does 2 levels transitions as described in OP.
All apps I know doing that require external things so can't give a simple repro step.
If Google team can't repro (I doubt it...) I can build a sample app but won't until this is affected to proper team to avoid loosing my time as quite a few times ;) <> #4
Start activity A to B with transition
Return to home
Return to app from recent.
Press back, the transition does not runs.
Can be reproduced with plaid : <> #5
Start Plaid, click any item with an image to have a transition, on the new activity press the image to open the customtab browser, press back, press back, the proper transition does not run too on Android Q Beta 5, work on previous versions. <> #6 <> #7 <> #8 <> <> #9 <> #10 <> <> #11
And as expected this issue is still present in the first preview release of R :) <> #12
And now dev 3 and the issue is still present.
It really makes us feel good to see such implication on major bugs spanning on 2 Android release, we really know our efforts to try to have a good platform are useful. <> #13
And dev 4 still have the issue.
At some point someone should have the decency to say that you absolutely do not care about something as basic as activity transition or reports from devs :)
Remove them from doc and close this maybe? <> #14 <> #15
Not fixed in 11 Beta 1 do you have more details about what future? <> #16
And as mostly predicted not fixed in beta 2 either :) I guess future release means S or T. <> #17
So as expected still broken in beta 3 :) <> #18 <> #19
And broken in final release :)
Congratulations, there's no better way to force devs to switch to single activity than breaking something as basic as activity transitions and not fixing for 2 major releases. <> #20
And here I am again as a new Android release cycle is starting :)
This is still an issue on Android S dev preview.
Return transitions does not run after 2 level depth see attached video.
Transition from activity A to B with shared image -> Works
Transition from activity B to C with shared image -> Works
Transition back from activity C to B -> Works
Transition back from activity B to A -> No transition running.
It does work correctly on all previous non Q Android versions.