Status Update
il...@google.com <il...@google.com>
ig...@gmail.com <ig...@gmail.com> #2
./gradlew installDebug also fails with the same error.
il...@google.com <il...@google.com>
za...@gmail.com <za...@gmail.com> #3
Furthermore, the -g option should not be added by default (with no way to disable) on all installs as it doesn't allow for easy testing of runtime permissions.
There is some problem with SafeSrgs plugin in my dependency setup:
- app
- album_nav_graph.xml
- app_nav_graph.xml
- favourite_nav_graph.xml
- profile_nav_graph.xml
- AlbumDetailsViewModelTest
(all feature modules depend on app)
UI tests of AlbumDetailsViewModelTest are working fine, but running "./gradlew testDebugUnitTest" fails. (AlbumDetailsViewModelTest tests AlbumDetailsViewModel that depends on missing AlbumDetailFragmentArgs class).
It looks like this is strictly source set configuration problem as adding this source set to all modules fixes it (this is removal PR just to reproduce the problem)
Here is a branch where you can actually test this behavior
1. Run Test AlbumDetailsViewModelTest from IDE - should be fine
2. Run tests from "./gradlew testDebugUnitTest" fail (to keep it a bit more tricky there seems to be some problem with caching of generated classes - this Gradle task always fails on CI, but sometimes it goes into either "always fail" or "always pass" local state)
Should fail for you locally, but this is CI Failure (just to demonstrate the problem)
Build: 3.4.2, AI-183.6156.11.34.5692245, 201906270739,
AI-183.6156.11.34.5692245, JRE 1.8.0_152-release-1343-b01x64 JetBrains s.r.o, OS Mac OS X(x86_64) v10.13.6, screens 3360x1890; Retina
Android Gradle Plugin: 3.4.2
Gradle: 5.5.1
NDK: from local.properties: 20.0.5594570; latest from SDK: 20.0.5594570;
LLDB: pinned revision 3.1 not found; latest from SDK: (package not found);
CMake: from local.properties: (not specified); latest from SDK: 3.6.0-rc2; from PATH: (not found);
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