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Hello me Fox this <> #3
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Melayani Nasabah SeWilayah Indonesia.malaysia Singapura
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👉Pencairan Dana Hanya Butuh Waktu 30 menit S-D 1 Jam Langsung Cair.
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Alhamdulillah Aman,Amanah & Terpercaya.
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Thank you for reporting this issue. We have passed this to the development team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available. <> #5
Mon watsap bolqu <> #6
Nemero watsap bloqué <> #7
Deletel all <> #8
a) seems to be a minor coding issue
b) regards all notifications, which now show incomplete text in the overview.
Please upgrade the priority and severity of this bug.
a) seems to be a minor coding issue
b) regards all notifications, which now show incomplete text in the overview.
Please upgrade the priority and severity of this bug. <> #9
The development team has fixed this issue and it will be available in a future release. <> #10
Thanks. <> #11
I'm having this problem while testing on a Samsung Galazy S9 with Android 10. Hopefully I can get this fix soon. Will this be fixed by downgrading to API Level 28, or do phone manufacturers have to push this out? <> #12
My Samsung Tab S6, just got updated to Android 10, so I went back to run the Tasker test task I used on an older tablet running Android 6 to report the original issue to Tasker team, who sent me to this issue.
The testt now works as expected. In the collapsed state just see the text field, in the expanded state, I only see the contents of the expanded text.
The testt now works as expected. In the collapsed state just see the text field, in the expanded state, I only see the contents of the expanded text. <> #13
Is this issue going to stick around in Android 10 or will a security patch rollout fix it? <> #14
It is fixed in Android 10, at least on my Pixel 3XL and Samsung Tab S6. <> #15
Thanks for the quick reply. I can confirm that this isn't fixed on Samsung Galaxy S9 phones. The last time I updated was a security patch on March 1 2020. So my guess is that this is something Samsung or T-Mobile (my carrier) has to push out. <> #16
The problem is I reported the issue with the notifications created by AutoNotification, a Tasker plug-in that has explicit fields for text and expanded text, that get used to populate Big-field text. So my various tasker tasks all seem to work correctly now on OS10, and are still, and forever broken on OS6. Not sure if I have any other applications that generate notifications which have different texts for collapsed and expanded states, but I am willing to try and see if I can repeat the issue in an app other than Tasker/AutoNotification. <> #17
I checked my Tab S6 again, and unfortunately is still not working as expected. It still shows the Big Text content in both Expanded and Non Expanded state. <> #18
Any news ? This bug is still present for me both on my Galaxy S10 and the Pixel 2 emulator. Is there a way to bypass it and display the notification in the right way ? <> #19
还没修复吗? <> #20
My phone is TECHO SPARK 5pro ,but the notification still does not display in the right way.
Upto Android API 28 (Android Pie), in notifications content-title used to be shown when notification was in collapsed state and big-text was only shown when the notification was expanded.
This behaviour seems to have changed in the Android API 29 (Android 10), as it always shows the big-text even in collapsed state. This seems to be a bug as the big-text is overriding the content-text.
You can check the behaviour in the repo here: