Status Update
Comments <> #2
For reference the iOS native function application openURL:URL is being called with a URL similar to:
comgooglemaps://?daddr=45.490,-122.560&directionsmode=driving <> #3
To those experiencing this issue, it appears to be a problem with having "saddr=" portion of the URL blank or leaving it off the URL altogether, cross-platform or not, when Google Maps app is closed on iOS 13. I was able to get around this issue (temporarily?) by adding "saddr=My+Location&" to the URL. Not sure how stable that is, since "My+Location" seems weak, but perhaps you can get the lat/lng of your starting point and try something like "saddr={0},{1}&", where {0},{1} is the users current location.
My full string (in C#) is this:
"comgooglemaps://{0},{1}&directionsmode=driving "
But, "https://" and "comgooglemapsurl://" work here too.
To the devs, please fix this :)
My full string (in C#) is this:
But, "https://" and "comgooglemapsurl://" work here too.
To the devs, please fix this :)
When using the Google Maps URL Scheme for iOS (
The To/From locations at the top of the app display correctly (From: 'Your location', To: The address or Lat/Long I entered) and driving mode is selected. The Map itself centers on my location, the bottom portion of the maps simply shows a spinner regardless how long it's left for. If I tap the Car icon (for driving directions) again, even though it's already selected, the directions then show.
This did previously work correctly, I'm not sure when it stopped working, whether it was a Google Maps update or iOS OS version update that it stopped working in.
# What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. From another app use the Google Maps URL Scheme to launch google maps
2. Google Maps Launches but a spinner continuously shows and the route is not generated
# Details about your environment
Our testing was being done using Cordova with the following plug-in that handles launching various maps applications:
Another user had raised a similar issue on that project which can be seen here
It's believed that the issue is on Google Maps side, especially given the app launches correctly with the right To/From location and clicking between the direction types then generates the routes.