Status Update
Comments <> #2
1.Open google maps application in iOS from my application using the URL = (comgooglemaps://?saddr=&daddr=Apple+Express+Mississauga,+5300+Satellite+Drive,+Mississauga&directionsmode=driving)
2. If Google maps are already opened in the device then it is showing the proper direction.
3. If Google maps are not opened then it is not showing the direction it is kept on loading for a long time. I will attach you a video link for your reference
In that video.
The first time, google maps are running on background so it is working fine, after i terminate google maps app then i open it is only showing the loading screen
2. If Google maps are already opened in the device then it is showing the proper direction.
3. If Google maps are not opened then it is not showing the direction it is kept on loading for a long time. I will attach you a video link for your reference
In that video.
The first time, google maps are running on background so it is working fine, after i terminate google maps app then i open it is only showing the loading screen <> #3
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