Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Thanks for your suggestion!
We'll be reviewing this for further consideration. Please star this issue to get updates and leave comments for additional information. Please note that starring the issue also provides our product team with valuable feedback on the importance of the issue to our customers. <> #3 <> #4
I've found where they add language parameter to a request, it happens in `GMSPabloClient` class, method `- (NSURLComponents *)URLComponentsForPath:(NSString *)path sessionToken:(GMSAutocompleteSessionToken *)token NS_SWIFT_NAME(urlComponents(_:session:));`. You can try to swizzle it and customize stuff in url
- (NSURLComponents *)my_URLComponentsForPath:(NSString *)path sessionToken:(GMSAutocompleteSessionToken *)token {
NSURLComponents * comps = [self my_URLComponentsForPath:path sessionToken:token];
NSMutableArray<NSURLQueryItem *> *q = [comps.queryItems mutableCopy];
[q addObject:[NSURLQueryItem queryItemWithName:@"language" value:@"__LANG_CODE__"]];
comps.queryItems = q;
return comps;
It's not 100% tested and is not used in prod. But yo can try =)
- (NSURLComponents *)my_URLComponentsForPath:(NSString *)path sessionToken:(GMSAutocompleteSessionToken *)token {
NSURLComponents * comps = [self my_URLComponentsForPath:path sessionToken:token];
NSMutableArray<NSURLQueryItem *> *q = [comps.queryItems mutableCopy];
[q addObject:[NSURLQueryItem queryItemWithName:@"language" value:@"__LANG_CODE__"]];
comps.queryItems = q;
return comps;
It's not 100% tested and is not used in prod. But yo can try =) <> #5
was this implemented by any chance? I'm seeing so many requests for this here and on stackoverflow and it's not implemented yet?
I would like to have the ability to hardcode language used for returned results
Explain your use case for this feature:
I have a feature which depends on cities and countries, as users will generate content and I need it to be consistent, no matter what language users have on their phones