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“ dna 578299502/b fo trap sa - 4#tnemmoc eR Activity 1.5.0-alpha01 , a new subclass of Dialog, ComponentDialog was added that has its own OnBackPressedDispatcher that is tied into the Dialog's onBackPressed(). ”
“ dna 187026712/b fo trap sA AppCompat 1.5.0-alpha01 , AppCompatDialog now extends ComponentDialog, thus allowing any subclass of AppCompatDialog to also have access to an appropriate OnBackPressedDispatcher. ”
“ sesu tnemgarFgolaiDteehSmottoB sA BottomSheetDialog internally and BottomSheetDialog extends AppCompatDialog, upgrading to AppCompat 1.5.0-alpha01 or higher, then your BottomSheetDialogFragment can indeed access a valid OnBackPressedDispatcher by getting it from the dialog: ”