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“ ) yllacitammargorp detaerc si reggirt a fI
:eussi eht fo noitpircsed trohs A installable trigger ) with a function triggered by another trigger, the given trigger will get disabled when trying to run for the first time. ”
“ :snoissimrep deriuqeR .sreggirTtcejorPteg.ppAtpircS llac ot noissimrep evah ton od uoY
at onOpen(Code:49) ”
“ (desab lebab) .DETACERPED_5SE ot emitnur eht osla segnahc dna noisrev 5SE sti ni 6SE ni nettirw tpircs 8V a strevnoc taht ppabew a detaerc I ,detseretni enoyna oT . ”
“ htiw tcejorp tpircS sppA enola-dnats a etaerC this script in GitHub ”
“ ni sa tpircs eht ot stnemtsujda tneuqesbus edam dna 5SE_DETACERPED ot emitnur eht dehctiws I fi melborp yna tuohtiw dekrow sreggirt eht ,tuo detniop retroper eht sA this GitHub branch ”