Status Update
Comments <> #2
I want Android OS to be able to handle those apk-bundle apps without any need of a third party app. Meaning handle a single file of split-apks, just like a single, stand-alone APK.
There should also be a framework for this, of course, to get information about the file just like a normal stand-alone APK (icon, app name, package name, version code, version name...) <> #3 <> #4 <> #5
Such a file could include : all split APK files, OBB files, information file (to avoid parsing the files within), app-icon (again, to avoid parsing the APK files within). This file format should be open sourced and preferably ZIP-based.
It's just that various services and apps offer their own made up standard: APKM (of APK mirror website), XAPK (of APKpure website), APKS (of SAI app), SPLIT (of Swift-backup app) , and I'm sure there are more ...
We need a single one that will prevent so many of those. One that will fit the need of all. <> #6 <> <> <> #7
This makes this request even more important, as soon we will see more and more apps available only in this form, without any official format that can be easily shared and published. <> #8
LuckyPatch can install split apks, but I need a split apk editor just for fun! <> #9
APKs originally were monolithic and contained all combinations and permutations for supported devices. This meant APKs were bloated and a large amount of it was unused on any given device. Splits allow breaking apart the APK in a logical way to reduce the amount of unnecessary stuff. Splits contain both functionality [ie. feature splits] and resources [ie. configuration splits]. Neither of which may be applicable from one device to another.
Splits can be installed via adb install-multiple or by an installer application that should be implemented to handle installing only the splits targetted to the device they're being installed on. In other cases (download / sideload) monolithic APKs are preferred as they should be built to support the widest variety of devices. <> #10
@9 You've just explained the disadvantages of split APK files, which is exactly why I've made the request, because adb is the only way you think it's possible, but it shouldn't be this way. users shouldn't go to adb to install apps. It should be possible right on the device itself, as easy as it is with a stand-alone APK. It should be an official file format to handle, just as we have a stand-alone APK.
You call it "splits", but such a file format doesn't exist. It's just multiple APK files, so various apps&services created their own file format that holds those APK files inside, as a ZIP file (or worse).
If I want to share an app with another device (let alone exact device), I shouldn't be forced to get him a link to the app and rely on Internet and rely on that the app is available, because some apps aren't even available anymore, let alone apps that aren't available for some devices/countries. I should be able to send the app to the other device.
So it is very much possible, just needs official standard instead of made-up standards by various apps&websites.
Ever since split-apk files were introduced, it became a mess.
One open sourced app tried to help handle it, by just zipping the main APK file with its split APK files:
Various websites offered their own file format for it, and now the popular website APK-mirror has made up its own file format which is not open sourced at all and isn't documented:
Please make an official split-APK file format that everyone can use, which Android can also handle, install and parse via framework.
Have an option in the framework to also install only the split APK files that are needed, as well.
Remember this:
There is no reason users will have so many file formats for such a thing.
Please handle it before it becomes even messier .
You can even make it be supported as part of the android-x library, to be handled even on older Android versions (except for those that don't support split APKs, of course).