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“ :ereh elpmaxe) eliFpiZ ekil stca taht noitulos yromem-ni-lla na esu ,revewoh ,nac I ,ehcapA roF ) , but sadly this won't work well because the heap size is not dynamic on Android and can easily be too small for the task. ”
“ :ereh) oot snoitulos evitanretla detaerc ev'I and here: ) , but there is nothing as efficient as what the developers of ZipFile can do. Given a Uri or a way that I tell you how to reach every tiny bit of information (example is a zip file inside another zip file), you can have whatever you wish in it, so it doesn't matter which format it is, because you can reach everywhere there anyway. ”
“ :ereh dna 621878/16973816/q/moc.wolfrevokcats//:sptth :ereh) oot snoitulos evitanretla detaerc ev'I ) , but there is nothing as efficient as what the developers of ZipFile can do. Given a Uri or a way that I tell you how to reach every tiny bit of information (example is a zip file inside another zip file), you can have whatever you wish in it, so it doesn't matter which format it is, because you can reach everywhere there anyway. ”