Status Update
Comments <> #2
It is fixed in android10:
We also ported the fix back to Pie internally and updated VNDK snapshot v28 in AOSP:
Not sure about vndk-27 devices. Are they fully Treblized? Would an update in VNDK snapshot v27 solve the problem?
We also ported the fix back to Pie internally and updated VNDK snapshot v28 in AOSP:
Not sure about vndk-27 devices. Are they fully Treblized? Would an update in VNDK snapshot v27 solve the problem? <> #3
Internally mirrored bug: b/145289821 <> #4
No actionable item from me. Please re-open the bug if we can do more. <> #5
Thanks for the vndk v28 update, I didn't realize at the time of my entry that pie vendors were impacted as well.
About the vndk 27 devices, yes there are some vndk-27 fully treblized devices with that issue, for instance the Razer Phone (though it received an OTA to Pie).
Updating vndk v27 prebuilt won't fix the issue, because libminijail wasn't in vndk back then: walleye-opm4.171019.021.q1 has vendor/lib64/
I've also witnessed vndk v28 devices with vendor/lib64/, so updating vndk prebuilts doesn't fix the issue for those. (I can't remember which device it was, I would guess it's a device that upgraded from vndk v27 to vndk v28 thus they kept libminijail_vendor dependency in their makefiles)
About the vndk 27 devices, yes there are some vndk-27 fully treblized devices with that issue, for instance the Razer Phone (though it received an OTA to Pie).
Updating vndk v27 prebuilt won't fix the issue, because libminijail wasn't in vndk back then: walleye-opm4.171019.021.q1 has vendor/lib64/
I've also witnessed vndk v28 devices with vendor/lib64/, so updating vndk prebuilts doesn't fix the issue for those. (I can't remember which device it was, I would guess it's a device that upgraded from vndk v27 to vndk v28 thus they kept libminijail_vendor dependency in their makefiles)
However the libminijail available in AOSP 8.1 has a bug: it can accept only ONE include when reading seccomp policy:
(the bug is that it should be 1+ not ++, since the value would remain for next lines)
However latest round of AOSP 10 updates added a second include in I9d5880343347ddc586e50f9eafb65e1ff7ba3748
Now, libminijail_vendor refuse to parse the file, and thus vendor mediacodec doesn't, which leads to broken video and audio playback.