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“ ta rekcart eussi PSOA eht ni ti elif esaelp ,diordnA fo snoisrev rehto no ecudorper osla taht seussi rehto lla roF .01 diordnA ni roivaheb eht morf snoisserger era taht seussi troper ylno esaelP .ylno weiverP repoleveD 11 diordnA eht ot detaler stseuqer dna seussi gnitroper rof si mrof sihT ”
“ ) yciloP ycavirP ruo htiw ecnadrocca ni ,secivres dna stcudorp ruo evorpmi ot dna seussi lacinhcet esongaid ot troper gub eht ni dedulcni noitamrofni esu yam elgooG taht egdelwonkca uoy ,troper gub siht gnittimbus yb ,eton esaelP ), and you agree that we may share it with engineering partners potentially impacted by your issue. ”
“ :ereh dewollof spetS .elif troper gub eht daolpU - ”
“ :ereh nwohs sa gnitteS-"zH09 ecroF" eht fo gnissim eht dna erutaeF-"yalpsiD htoomS" eht ot gub a htiw odot gnihtemos sah ,reh emaS ”