Status Update
Comments <> #2
Attaching what looks like the relevant part of idea.log <> #3
Does it work in the latest 4.1 beta?
Bradley, I'm assigning this to you, but I'm not sure if it's a change from Yuriy. <> #4
I tested the following:
4.1 Beta 3
- broken4.1 Beta 1
- broken4.1 Canary 9
- broken4.1 Canary 8
- works
it seems that 8 -> 9 was update of IJ core from 193 -> 201 <> #5
Attaching .idea directories from canary 8 ( and canary 9 ( Maybe that will help debug with iml files in place <> #6
Thanks for checking with different versions Aurimas! <> <> #7
It looks like a bunch of order entries for the module have changed, in the working version they are set up as module dependencies whereas the broken one they are libraries that contain the build output aars.
It seems like it's triggered by the Kotlin plugin, if I take the Kotlin plugin use by 4.1 canary 9 (or 4.2 canaries) and replace it with the one in 4.1 canary 8 then the symbols seem to resolve again. The version listed in canary 8 is 1.3.61 and the version in canary 9 is 1.3.61-release-Studio4.1. Even once the plugin has been copied from 8 to 9 the versions reported remain the same, however symbols do start to resolve. <> #8
Do we need to start a bug in youtrack? Could your team reach out to jetbrains about it? <> #9
It turns out that 1.3.61-release-Studio4.1 is actually built from 1.3.72.
I'll see if I can find what changes they made that break this, just to make sure that it's not something we are doing interacting badly with their changes. If its not I'll reach out to get it looked at. <> #10
There is also a parallel bug, that kotlin plugin updates are broken in androidx. <> #11
Any updates here? <> #12
Bradley, are you still looking at this? We are stuck an ancient version (4.1-canary9) until this is resolved. <> #13
Still looking into this, will update when possible. <> #14
Workaround posted here:
When Studio switches to Kotlin 1.4, it is believed this will be fully resolved. <> #15
smithbradley@ any updates here? Did we end up upgrading 4.2 to use kotlin plugin 1.4? <> #16
The IDE part seems to be setting up the information from the models correctly. There seems to be something happening with the jvmMain source set which is defined in some build.gradle files. Do you know anything about its purpose? I assume it for code shared between desktop and android? It looks like from the build files and models this sourceSet doesn't know anything about commonMain and is currently giving red symbols. <> #17
jsproch@ can you respond about #16, I do not have the full insight on how mpp handles sourcesets <> #18 <> #19
Studio is fixed, but we cannot upgrade to AS 4.2 Canary 8 due to a bug in Gradle 6.6.1 (
Repro steps
cd frameworks/support/ui
changeexport ALLOW_PUBLIC_REPOS=true
./gradlew studio
All the symbols are found
Several symbols are not found
Additional info: this all worked correctly in Android Studio 4.1 Canary 8