Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue. We’ve shared this with our product and engineering teams and will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available. <> #3
any updates on this issue given Android 11 is expected to be released on Sep 8th? <> #4
The issue reported here has been fixed. So, please report back if the issue recurs in further releases. <> #5
It's still happening on SDK "" <> #6
Still happening <> #7
I still have the same error with Admob Plugin for Capacitor:
Any idea? Not every user seems to have the problem. Are there more infos what exactly causes it?
Any idea? Not every user seems to have the problem. Are there more infos what exactly causes it?
* Are you an Android developer?" Y
* Which Android Developer Preview build are you using? RPB3.200720.005 (Android 11 - Beta 3 )
* Is this a regression from Android 10 to 11? yes
* What device are you using? (for example, Pixel 3 XL) - Google Pixel 3A -
* What are the steps to reproduce the problem?
1. Once the project is compiled with API 30 (Make sure app is compiled with Android SDK API 30)
compileSdkVersion 30
buildToolsVersion '30.0.1'
targetSdkVersion 30
2. Install the app on the Android 11 Beta 3 Device.
3. Go thru the logs
* Issue Category e.g. Framework (platform), NDK (platform), Hardware (CPU, GPU, Sensor, Camera), ART (platform), Runtime Permissions etc.
Framework (platform)
* What was the expected result?
Google banner Ad or Admod banner Ad should get rendered.
* Can you provide the API document where this expected behavior is explained?
* What was the actual result?
Ad fails to load with message as :Internal error.
* Relevant logcat output.
logcat attached with bug I/Ads: Ad Failed to load message :Internal error. I/Ads: Ad Failed to load cause :null I/Ads: Ad Failed to load domain I/Ads: Ad failed to load : 0
* Link to captured Android bug report (shared privately in Drive.)
* Optional: Link to any screenshot(s) that demonstrate the issue (shared privately in Drive.)
attached sample project along with logcat.
Note: the issue is can only be reproduce with combination where app is compiled with Android SDK 30 and device is on Android 11 Beta 2 or Beta 3