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Comments <> #2
Set up everything for me to work better can't get or see it except password
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Set up everything for me to work better can't get or see it except password
ConstraintLayout version: 2.0.2
I've added a basic XML example, but I basically have two views in a packed chain, constrained to the parent on either side. One element has a fixed width, the other is 0dp with a "layout_constraintWidth_max" value, so it fills the space up to a point, and the whole thing is centred. I want to add Barriers to either side, so the width of this chain can determine the edges of the layout for other views.
I can add a Barrier to both sides and it's fine (barrier_not_packed.png) unless I set it to "packed" (barrier_packed.png) - then the barriers swap sides, the left view ends up off the screen on the right and the flexible view ends up on the left with a width of 0.
Any other chain style is fine, and deleting one or both barriers in packed style works fine too (packed_no_barrier.png). Setting the 0dp element to a fixed width works ok with both barriers and a packed chain too. It just seems to be a barrier either side of a packed chain with a variable-width element that throws it.