Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Hello! I'd like to understand the issue you're experiencing a little more.
You mention "you can't just press on something and see it being selected". Are you talking about clicking on a layer in the 2D/3D rendering and see the node be selected in the Component Tree?
An incremental improvement we're implementing is to automatically scroll to the selected node in the Component Tree. Would that help? We're also looking into a search feature, but that might take a little longer to do. <> #3
@2 As I wrote, I want a better UX of selection of items on the layout inspector, to avoid visiting every possible place in the tree, and then checking if indeed what you chose is correct.
Imagine you have a huge tree, making it extremely hard to see what you choose.
This means that I want:
1. Textual search. If some TextView has text "Hello", and I search for "he", it should show it in the results, including how it looks like.
2. When pressing on an item, show on the side a preview image of what was chosen. This helps to make sure you indeed chose what you wanted.
3. Allow to show all Views that have images (or just all Views that were indeed drawn), and their previews. They should be probably sorted by those that are on top of others, first.
4. When pressing somewhere, if there are multiple layers of views on the location of pressing, show a preview of each of them, to make sure you selected the correct one.
Imagine you have a huge tree, making it extremely hard to see what you choose.
This means that I want:
1. Textual search. If some TextView has text "Hello", and I search for "he", it should show it in the results, including how it looks like.
2. When pressing on an item, show on the side a preview image of what was chosen. This helps to make sure you indeed chose what you wanted.
3. Allow to show all Views that have images (or just all Views that were indeed drawn), and their previews. They should be probably sorted by those that are on top of others, first.
4. When pressing somewhere, if there are multiple layers of views on the location of pressing, show a preview of each of them, to make sure you selected the correct one.
For example, if you see something that has a text, you could search for this text.
Or if you know that there are some images, you could choose to show all images and select the View that shows the image you've selected.
Another option that would be nice to help about this, is to have the various Views be shown like pieces, separated from one another, in a grid.